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Posts posted by broneck

  1. am i the only one under 18?

    if not then we need some sort of "fun for all ages" type sub-meetup for us "kids". im not down for drugs with mysterious strangers off the internet.

    (no offense.)

    siiiick we can all go to all ages clubs hammered and then use onemancults advice and get into some fresh 17 year old panties, yknadaddmean?

  2. sure they're not premium japanese selvedge denim...but has anyone checked out the krew muskas? fit like an absolute tasty glove with the skytops. the guy did his homework, the shoes and jeans were designed to work perfectly with one another.

  3. It was over for me as soon as shannon died. Kate's ok too, but she's got those fucked up teeth.

    I used to fantasize about Shannon being a total bitch to me...

    For me the show's sexual high point ended when Walt left the island.

  4. I'm sure Clopek will give him some basketball jerseys to wear.

    Holy SHIT dude! Wow! You're brilliance continues to astound me! Wow, I mean you just keep your material so fresh and new! Like the Dane Cook of Superfuture! Keep up the good work! Woweee!

    Additionally, while U.S. laws may be dumb (19 y/o goes to jail for poking 17 y/o) Canada's laws are a biiiit on the lenient side (legal age: four-fucking-teen)

  5. no, but widmore is aware that the plane crashed on the island where desmond is stuck...and that finding the crash would probably lead to finding desmond, and therefore, him being ruinited with penny. so he covers up the crash.

  6. here's my take on fucking underage girls.

    you have to ignore illegality, and invest some time in getting the girl to trust you.

    just a little bit of effort is all it takes. otherwise, even if it is legal to ball, she can

    call whatever foul she wants on your ass, and society trusts little girls with soft

    titties over well-dressed young men any day. you will end up imprisoned.

    have some sort of common interest. buy her a little present. tell her you think she's very mature for her age, and that's so cool. basically, woo her the way you would any

    other woman. they love that shit- it distracts them from the fact that you're just trying to enjoy their soft titties for a night or two.

    it is really difficult to do, but avoid becoming infatuated. the thing about these girls is that they're basically perfect in small doses, and that can be misleading. they're fresh, clean, and their skin is actually harvested by the textile industry in order to make silks.

    you ever wonder why 21+ year old girls all of a sudden have hairs and blemishes on their arms and thighs? it is because Chanel stole their first layer of skin for making silk dresses for old society ladies.

    high school girls are just like any other girl, except in tighter, tastier packaging.

    the inside is all the same. if you can't score with normal girls, you probably have

    even less of a chance of scoring off of high school girls, because these days, they

    know that they have the holy grails in their sweaters, and while they'll give it up readily if you know how to finesse 'em, otherwise they'll just snap cameraphone pictures of you and trade them like pokemon with each other.

    Superfuture owes you much sir.

  7. i think the redemption is going to come from further "on island" flashbacks from ben and julia, shedding a whole lot of light on the dharma situation/the "purge"/the "hostiles"/etc.

    Who is Mikhail? He doesn't seem to be a member of dharma, but he's definitely not one of the others either.

  8. someone's pointed out that maybe lost isn't so much about finding the answers, but about really looking at the questions and all the angles there are to each. there's so much Lost literature out there they've pretty much turned it into a modern day classic.

  9. quote=Crillz;423379]I normally like everything you have to say, but this whole racism-against-white-people-being-okay-because-they're-white deal really has to go. Racism is racism regardless, and being of what would generally be considered "white" descent, I'm getting pretty fed up reading this.

    basically it comes down to the "how come black people can say cracker but white people can't say 'the n word'" thing...about 500 years of slavery and opression is how come. Milspex hits the nail on the head.

    Essentially i tihnk the tshirt is kindof the clothing version of "black police showin' out for a white cop", and really doesn't look right on ol' whitey up there.

  10. how long can you be lost for... seriously?!?!
    i kind of have a feeling as to what a big reveal about the island would be...and i am worried.

    does anyone else think part of the shit is going to be that your desires are kind of picked up and manifest themselves?

    i dunno. way back the producers stated firmly that everything going on on the island (so far) can be explained by actualy science. there are no ghosts, this isnt all a dream, there's no time travel, etc...so im reallllly anxious for the next 3 episodes.

    PS Michael Emerson is just the illest bad(?) guy on TV today. im watching his in the hatch in season two again now, and holy shit dude is creepy...

    First of all, they've only been lost for like 70 days i think...

    As far as stuckonstupid's post goes though, i dont think they can possibly be able to explain away all the shit that's just gone out within the realm of scientific possibility (i.e. the smoke monster? locke's father on the island? etc?)

    Check out Doc Jensens lost theorys, or Darkufo's blog (google them, i'm lazy).

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