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Posts posted by broneck

  1. thanks dude, good contribution. i'm so glad we have you here to act as a barometer for how pussified we're being in here, it's really really helpful. I was worried we were getting too hard, too rough...just plain mean.

    I'm glad you're here, 78, to give us the heads-up we so desperately needed.

  2. it's a forum largely concerned with aesthetics, and a thread totally concerned with them. she looks like shit, and posts pictures of herself looking like shit.

    if she wants to start a "granola eating yoga fanatics" thread, or "how to make cherokee hair tampons" thread she can do it in culture and refrain from posting pictures of herself. or, she can remain open to criticism.

    wear pants that fit, put on a fucking titsling, and invest in some organic biodegradable shampoo.

  3. I'm glad that you see some good in me, vanilla wafer . Except you have me pegged very wrong. I'm a highly like-able person...that's true. However, I'm not a gift-er and and have no crafty/home-maker tendencies whatsoever. I'd buy the salsa from Whole Foods. I never cook a meal at home, ever. If I eat at home, it's a bowl of cereal, or I can brew a pot of coffee. Also, to be honest...I'm not neighborly at all. I'm not an aloof person, but I'm too busy to be gift-y and neighborly. And, I don't do candy or collectible coins. I'm also a workaholic type...and I do 1.5 hours of yoga 6 mornings a week. I just don't have much spare time in my life...that's the reality. And I know that I dress like shit compared to most people on SuFu. That's cool. I emphasize internal beauty and health more than external appearance and this will always be the case. :)

    cool !

  4. I got a text last night from a girl i've been sleeping with. she said "Can I come over? I want to make love."

    I was so freaked out I told her I couldn't cuz I had to work in the morning. :confused:

  5. Supertrash is like the rap industry, say something to someone with 10k rep and they sick their goons on you. I must say im taking this 0 rep quite personally and its effecting my daily life.

    The rep comments are hilarious. Neg repping the shit out of ppl has become the new mainstream. Way to conform you hipsters.

    i didn't sick shit on you. you're just a fucking toy.

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