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Posts posted by chrisj

  1. I know its late in the season and these pieces are for the most part long gone. But i only managed to free up some cash just recently.. So im hoping to find 1-2 of these 3 items im looking for.

    Wool M65 Jacket (pref,black)

    Mackintosh Kennedy Waxed cotton coat

    Shawl collar coat

    i wear an L for their tshirts, and an XL for the red/black flannel i just bought .. dont know my exact measurements but im guessing a size XL is a safebet b/c the size of my frame.

    thanks :D

  2. watchman: NICE, looks like a some pretty rigorous wear and some avid washing

    cttazza: looking very nice. im liking how the indigo is changing color.. or that might be the pcture... great photos and great fading :D

    just put my 811s in the wash today.

    warm wash no soap hang dry

    came out nice, was afraid that there would be streaks. will post up pictures after the break..

    right now they are nearing their 3mth birthday.

    oct21 - present

  3. another installation of chrisj + xpan + travel

    giza - khan el khalili - alexandria - aswan(nile) - luxor/karnak(nile)

    khan el khalili



    some of the guys chilling in the cafe

    2083233730_8718d0bfb5.jpg i have no idea why the minaret is cut off at the top... i am 100% sure that i framed it... i know the image is red.. but it really felt like it was that hot.




    this was taken in a restaurant/cafe sorta deal.. really like this photo because there is so much going with the reflections against the glass.. also love the animal heads(cow?) behind the glass


    http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2113/2082449253_5e36819110_b.jpg <-large



    big commotion in the background if i remember correctly. some crazy store owner was playing with a hose ie: spraying people down and shit, dont know why i dont have a photo of that.



    the market place is lined with tourist shops like these. didnt shop much but when i did had to do some pretty rough bargaining, prices were crazy vs what my friend had said they should be, so had to lay down some "sorry no ill see you later"

    i dont know, all this photo sharing is really new to me.. i mean ill share a random photo here and there but dont usually share this much, only with family... i really like it, i was wondering if anyone could help me with a blog sort of deal.

  4. It says 872's are sanforized...should I still soak or no? I want to get most shrinkage out of the way but on BiG's site it says there is very minimal stretching. The stiffness of the denim is actually one of my favorite aspects of raw denim so I try not to soak if it's not necessary.....

    sanforized no need soak

  5. does the xpan create that natural saturation and contrast on its own, or did you expose/develop the film that way?

    i shot with slide film. and had it processed as c41 film so i got negatives instead of positives that you would normally get with slide.

    i choose to shoot this b/c just really like the colorshifts/saturation/adds vibrancy to your photo

    i do shot regular color film but i dunno just preference on slide rather than regular

  6. ^i loved rajio's fit. its not for everyone. but he succeeded in not letting the strong pieces compete against each other. nor do the clothes wear him. there is a subtle motif that rounds up the whole fit. when this "progressive" (ya i know) look is pulled off properly, the whole proverbial fashion vs. function debate gets a swift kick in the ass because in the end you see him on the street and you're like, "is he even mortal?"

    hahaha liked how you ended your post ^^^^^ :D


    Man srsly, you could have picked so much good shit from those brands you are wearing but you seem to have picked the stupidest looking shit from them because you think you could brag about having legitimate superfuture brands to list on you're waywt.

    i think hes trying to go for a semi-neuwave sorta gig with the metallic shoes and the pam(which seems to be embracing that sort of aesthetic lately).. kinda looks 1/2 ass like he cant decide whether to be a little quieter or to be robust with the metallic shoes and wackPAM prints.

    havent read all the arguments concerning rajio's post, a little busy right now.. i think the photo doesnt do him justice, a better shot would have garnereddd a lot less hate ---

  8. wow carl loving the framing and light in the orange orchard series, beachfeatuer and tennis feature.

    good stufff.

    posting the shots in chronological order of whre i went on my trip.

    giza - khan el khalili - alexandria - aswan(nile) - luxor/karnak(nile)

    khan el khalili


    http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2223/2082452333_391372af03_b.jpg <-- larger size





    was smooking shisha .. during prayer it was a really intense vibe to be chilling smoking shisha and listening to the prayer on the megaphone..



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