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Posts posted by Lab

  1. To get to bears? Take the south exit from the Shimokitazawa station, turn left immediately (and under the tunnel/bridge whatever that thing is), keep going straight until you see the rail tracks, then take a right, walk straight to the first intersection and take a left. You should see the Bears sign.

    I prefer shopping in aoyama as well...

    although, I had some trouble finding 10corso...it`s right behind the et vous chocolate shop.

    I bought some visvims today does that make me cool? I plan on checking out 10 corso and some other shops around aoyoma tommorow as well. Also my brother is looking for a body pillow aka dakimakura, any knowledge about where one of these may be?
  2. Are those straps and buckles painted on?

    Well, it's called a trompe l'oeil, so it's supposed to be an illusion of a treasure box.

    I dunno, Paul Smith has a lot of strange designs on its bags.

    Anyway, ditto on denimAddict's MM comment. Their bags are great.

  3. Those are nice. I remember I sawthem at Nom De Guerre store, I didn't know they were the Common Projects.

    They are very stiff, but real high quality looking...

    Anyone know where I can find them in stock?

    I'll give you $10 if you can find size 10.5 (USA) lol

    Just e-mail Common Projects (click contact on their website).

    After a couple days, they'll tell you which stores have 'em in stock. Or, you can check yourself - see the stores in the "stockists" section.

    In NYC, I reccomend looking for CPs at Seven and Bloomingdales.

    Good luck!

    p.s. South Willard sells CPs online, but they're all out of stock. They'll have more in August.

  4. hate to break up the mass skinny jean ego stroking party....but....just thought i would play the devil's advocate for a bit and throw in a different opinion. you know, to break up the monotonous stream of groupthink posts. i mean, how many 'fuck em, do what you like' posts in a row do we need here? i swear i've never seen a thread attract so many lurkers/newbies/red reppees.

    the truth is that people dress for themselves to an extent, yes, but also for others. for example, one could dress a particular style to fit into a certain group, or to impress someone you want to meet--a date, or a job interviewer.

    like it or not, there are social norms wherever you go, and it is different in different places. you can enjoy crossdressing, or going out in the nude, or whatever floats your boat, but i wouldn't recommend it because you'll become an outcast. you can say fuck em, if they're your friends they won't care what you dress like. however, i value my friends' opinions, and if they tell me i look 'gay' i would take that into serious consideration. in reality, unless you're the next salvador dali or britney spears, it is going to matter what you look like in the real world. better get used to it quick.

    so the question is, why are you getting ridicule?

    it is not because people are jealous / insecure / behind the curve of your super stylish trendsetting self, as some posters have suggested. it's simply because you dress outside the social norms for your area. people posting saying that they don't get called gay for wearing skinny jeans doesn't help the OP, because it all depends on where you are living. unless you go to this guy's high school your own experience isn't really relevant. in this conservative, midwest environment, odds are that girls aren't going to find your jeans attractive if the overall community finds it 'gay.'

    there's another possibility, that you're getting ridicule because you frankly look bad. actually, super skinny jeans don't look good on most people unless you're rail thin. you think your critics are just narrow minded, but i think it's equally possible that your look doesn't work. some pictures of your fit might help judge the situation better.

    so, what can you do about it?

    most of the idiotic posters have said, get more girls or get laid more, or steal the girlfriend of the ones who make fun of you. or just wait a few years until everyone hops on the skinny jeans bandwagon and you'll be a hero. such bullshit fantasy answers. skinny jeans aren't going to help you get laid any more than any other kind of jeans. and skinny jeans are a trend that will probably wane in a couple years, not grow. just like acid washed jeans or bootcut jeans, or any other trend. plus it's highly unlikely your midwest society will suddenly transform into haight ashbury before you graduate, even if skinny jeans are here to stay.

    there's really two options. adopt clothes closer to the local societal norms, or be true to yourself and get used to the namecalling and the hit to your social status. however, should you choose to go the former route, there are far more choices out there than just super skinny jeans or crappy gap jeans. there are many high quality jeans that are slim but not tight and would definitely not be called 'gay' by anyone's standards.

    a final word. ask yourself whether it's really your own fashion style you're following, or a trend that you've seen on sufu or somewhere else. ask yourself: did you sport skinny jeans prior to two years ago? if not, you're probably a trendfollower. based on your join date i'd say the latter is likely the case. so it's a bit disingenuous to pretend you're being 'true to yourself' when you're actually just trying to fit into a different (perhaps online) group.

    Just because I get a few looks, a few raised eyebrows, or a few negative comments does not mean I am going to change my entire wardrobe to RL Polo, Lacoste, and Express. Sorry, I may be self conscious at times, but I'm not that insecure.

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