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Posts posted by larssss

  1. ordo told me about this thread, stoked to see people talking, thought i'd chime in.

    Somewhat surprised no one has mentioned undercover yet, not that they truly qualify as a "techninj" brand but they have definitely done some fantastic stuff with tech fabrics, i suppose the utilitarian focus isn't there though.

    FW09 comes to mind for the use of Schoeller PCM. These jackets come to mind:



    Next, I want to mention that anyone who hasn't should pick up The Supermodern Wardrobe. Which while being totally out of date provides a good history of urban techwear and is totally worth the $10 I paid for it.

    Isaora has produced some interesting stuff so far, from what I've seen in person I'm sold on the quality. I understand that they are backed by Theory so that explains the scale of their operation.

    Aether hasn't made anything that interesting so far, they seem to have the right idea but are going after a much more conservative market than what seems to be of interest in this thread.

    They are however designed in conjunction with FYI design studio, which has been getting a lot of press lately. FYI is an amazing design studio outside of Whistler BC, that works with brands like Burton [ak] and idiom, Patagonia, Sophnet. I have a friend who interned there for a semester and was blown away. If you are interested in tech wear this is a place you want to read up on.

  2. for all the product enthusiasts and nerds:

    This video is amazing. Having worked with dye houses recently, take my word for it that is a fucking nightmare. Dying is absolutely an art. Its awesome to see how serious they take it and how dedicated they are.

    Fuck, I'm jealous.

    interesting the vid focused on the dyes and none of the cut/sew production, i imagine if consumers actually saw any of it they'd run away.

    I think it makes perfect sense that they focused on dying rather than factory production. It allows them to showcase the research and development that goes into their garments. In my mind the value of every SI garment has just gone up.

    You've probably seen production, its fucking boring, its repetitive and by the time a garment reaches production the R&D is generally over.

  3. The first episode of THE WALKING DEAD leaked... I liked the beginning, then it got a little derivative. Definitely pretty fucking awesome for a tv show though.

    so much potential here. They seem be sticking to the core of the story, i don't care if they switch up things here and there.

    I wasn't impressed at all with the pilot though, boring really, it had no mood to it. The cinematography seemed really mediocre.

    Fingers crossed that it picks up.

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