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constant struggle

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Posts posted by constant struggle

  1. my roommate freshman year made a fort in our room

    except he kept it up for 3 months, and stayed in there by himself most of the time

    we didnt' talk the last 3-4 months of school

    weirdiest shit

    yet we had almost all similar friends

  2. 2zfmyjt.jpg

    this is my yearbook grad picture

    gonna be cropped at the waist though. and i might use a different one. i set up the lighting and backdrop/we're doing this for everyone/i'm taking the pictures.

    might need to stop down a little bit though come to think of it.

    put on a suit son and retake

  3. Got a new haircut today, I went in and said give me some new short haircut, whatever you want, i didn't like how they styled it there, so i tried to do something myself... thoughts? although i do get a semi lesbian vibe from it



  4. Fuck Obama, McCain AND Paul.

    Obama = liberal idealist and hypocrite. No "change" here.

    McCain = incompetent buffoon that promises another 4 years of Bush's legacy.

    Paul = utter lack of compassion for his fellow man and insane policies that will never pass in the modern world.

    The clear choice is Ralph Nader. He's the only candidate that actually gives a shit about people and outlines solutions to make real change happen. Everything he's been saying for the past few years is coming true and he understands what the real root causes are. Washington and Wall Street are broken. Obama and McCain are both knee deep in corporate interests and lobbyists wrapped around their dicks.

    Of course, he wont win.

    Fuck McCain and Obama.

    dude i dont care that you want to vote nader, but i support your fuck mccain and fuck obama, and i am glad you are choosing someone besides the two

  5. FIrst off im voting ron paul

    second off if you think obama is any different than mccain you are a fool.

    mccain will transfer middle class wealth to the upper class

    obama will transfer middle class wealth to the lower class

    either way the middle class is fucked

    and im sure half you kids gettin money from your balla parents will be hit hard with obama tax gains on the rich

    also obama's huge contributors are fannie mae and freddie mac (oh yeah obama is so different)

    obama is pledging for change, but look at his track record, he is in the same shit as mccain, they are all the same, both parties are the fucking same

    vote in ron paul

    vote out all republican/democrats controlling this shit government due to lobbying money and other shit

    look at the bailout bill that stole your childrens future away in the form of debt, enslaved nation to the federal resereve fiat currency printing fuckers

    fuck both parties

    ron paul may be a republican, but he is a real deal conservative

    fuck government handsout all those stupid programs obama promotes, yeah just fuckin tax our in debt nation some more spending on poor ass people who don't give a fuck and dont want to work hard for shit

    less government programs

    end the fucking war

    concentrate here at home in america

    we need infastructure, energy independance, other shit

    fuck being slaves to OPEC and china

    fuck obama and fuck mccain

    word life

  6. i have those ymc in brown suede, i really like them...

    ndc - if you are into predistressed stuff i guess you can get them, i'd rather buy a non distressed shoe and distress it myself overtime

    raf simons - those be diamonds jawns stay away

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