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Posts posted by seraphieL

  1. Guitar Hero is ruining my life. With CoD4 and Assassin's Creed coming out in the next two weeks, I'm going to have a nonexistent social life. Ever since I bought my 360 a few weeks ago, I realized what I was missing. I haven't bought a console since the first gen Xbox.

    Fuck PC gaming.

  2. cheers dude.

    these IH are hard as fuck to break in.....im basically wearing them as much as possible at the moment....i didnt think i would mind wearing 21oz denim in the heat, but we've had a few hot days here lately and i fucking struggled...leg sweat etc etc, not pleasant.

    summer here is generally pretty hot, so i dont think theyll be getting all that much wear pretty soon. im going to wear them hard until mid december, including a trip to japan/HK....maybe give them a wash then if they are filthy enough.

    I hear ya, man. Summer was unbearable near Sacramento, so I put my IH's on hold for a few months. As soon as it got cooler, I started wearing them again. The thick 21 oz denim makes for a good autumn/winter pair of jeans though.

  3. You should know that these jeans are really stubborn. I've got some decent honeycombs and a subpar lap fade. Hopefully, the nice hard wash will yield more contrasty results. I've got some 6 month pictures somewhere earlier in this thread, maybe a few pages back.

  4. confession:

    My one and a half yr girlfriend cheated on me twice. after i found out i wanted to breakup w/ her. she started begging me not to and i got soft. In the previous few weeks, she wanted to make up her mistakes, and this made me even softer. I really liked her before, and we r a pretty good couple, but on the other hand.. he cheated on me twice. I havent offically broken up w/ her yet, but now after she tried to make up her mistakes, shes starting to give up. Its sorta making me sad that we r probably gonna end the relationship. I'm such a pussy...

    Superman that ho!

  5. soo... last night i went to this pre-halloween party in town dressing up as... err... jane fonda circa 1980s?

    Did anyone do an obnoxious Mickey Avalon impression? I would have stabbed that person in the eye with a rusty spoon.

  6. I have a deadstock pair in size 9 if anyone's interested. I'd be willing to let these go for $125 shipped.

    Here is a bad photo, which is not mine:


    The color is closer to a mix between navy and purple. And there's no stupid 23 on the midsole. I will try and get pictures up later if I can find my camera.

    Also have a size 12 and 13 available for those of you who have clown feet. PM me.

  7. just wondering... why did he have to do it for so long that his tongue tore? i can get a girl off in under 5 minutes usually by eating the puss, and less if shes already come once.

    Goddamn, I thought your first and second posts were from diddy at first, but then I looked at your name. Trickery.

  8. you get used to it actually. i can't count how many heart attacks i've seen. I still do remember the first time I saw a dead person though. I was on a train in Vietnam taking the ride from Hanoi down to Saigon and the train suddenly stopped. What had happened was that someone had laid down on the tracks and the train ran them over. I refused to look, but as we finally got to moving again, my cousin gestures to me to look, and basically i witnessed a half of a human being....

    I saw a man plowed down by a SUV going about 65 or 70 mph in a 35 zone while I was walking down the other side of the street. The guy was half buried inside the windshield. There was blood everywhere, and he was literally knocked right out of his shoes. I feel really guilty about hightailing it out of there, but there were other people there, and I didn't want to be interviewed by the police. I had nightmares about it last night. Freaky.

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