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Posts posted by Spastic_Koala

  1. When I was camping with my Dad and brother about three years ago we had been hiking all day and about noon came upon a river. There were two bears in the river fishing in a rapids area. We were too scared to get close but we watched them for probably an hour or so. We saw one bear fishing in the river for a while slashing at the water but coming up with nothing and then he finally caught a salmon. He brought it out of the water but he just held it under his paw in a really shallow eddie on the side of the river while the other bear kept trying to catch one for himself. This was strange, the other bear not eating but just holding the fish under his paw in the eddie, but we didn't think much of it and just watched other fishing bear. About five minutes later he did catch a salmon for himself and when the other bear saw this he grabbed his fish and they both walked together over near some bushes where they would be out of sight to anyone nearby except that we were above them on the ridge so we could still see them. It was really strange, the bear that caught the first fish dropped it out of its mouth and it had no bite marks or anything on it, we were looking through binoculars, and it just set the fish down and held it to where it was looking at the other bear and its fish about six or seven feet away. Then the other bear got one claw out and removed most of the guts from its fish, it was still alive and thrashing. When the other fish saw this it started frantically twisting flopping and screaming under the bears paw saying "oh god, oh god, please god, nooooo!", and keep in mind we are almost 100 yards away and its screaming so loud we can clearly make out what its saying. Then the bear grabs the gutless fish still squirming, leans back on his butt and slides the fish over his erection, using the hollowed out salmon body to masturbate. About this time I threw up a tiny bit in my mouth but it got worse, the other fish was hysterical and sobbing and then it loses consciousness. About this time I noticed that there was a tripod with a camera on it filming the entire thing near the bears, i could see the beeping red light. The bear finished masturbating with the hollowed at salmon body its body now destroyed and nasty covered and filled with the bears sperm. Then the other bear grabbed a bag from beneath the tripod and pulled out a latex Mr. Rogers mask but it had zippers for the eyes and mouth and he put it on, undid the zipper for the mouth and then ate the salmon body the other bear had just used to masturbate. It was probably the most unbelievable and most unnatural thing I have ever witnessed in nature besides seeing two boys dog fuck.

    So in conclusion you were sodomized by a bear? Or did I miss the point?

  2. The last two are foster cats that I no longer have. (They found permanent homes.) My own pets are the first 3 cats and 2 dogs. I also have a rather big house and I'm good at keeping them clean and cleaning litter boxes, so the smell is virtually non-existant. The only issue is fur sometimes.

  3. i heard he was determined to slim down in order to fit into a pair of dior jeans.

    Yup, I heard the same thing. I think there's an interview of Hedi where he's quoted in it for saying that.

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