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Posts posted by goat

  1. dunno if i could name 25

    1) i share a name with the leader of the X-Men (Charles Xavier)

    2) that's actually just a huge coincidence (my parents are farrr too foreign to have an idea what x-men is)

    3) I'm an accountant and i love it (yes, i'm that much of a geek)

    4) i'm ok with being geeky

    5) i'm not a fan of NYC, nor do i see the appeal in it

    6) Actually, I generally never want to vacation to a similar city. I have a habit of comparing other cities to mine ("its just a bigger Toronto", or vice versa)

    7) when i vacation, i want it to be a different experience

    8) i love alcohol, but i don't like getting drunk.

    9) i spent most of my high school / university days as DD, by choice

    10 ) i enjoy fine wine, beer, gin, whiskey, cognac, and basically anything with a percentage, except for vodka

    11) fast food disgusts me

    12) i love cooking

    13) generally speaking, 98% of the time i'd rather eat at home (including going home and making myself a meal) instead of eating out

    14) when i do eat at a restaurant, i tend to be picky and splurge (dat silver spoon mentality)

    15) I hate video games. Stopped playing them when my brothers bought N64

    16) I used to be a HUGE music geek (i have over 2000 cds), but then suddenly one day i stopped paying attention.

    17) when I started paying attention again, i hated everything that was coming out

    18) i don't shut up

    19) i started smoking when i was 11. i quit when i was 20

    20) i quit by giving it up for Lent

    21) i am a devout Catholic

    22) i'm studying for my GMAT

    23) I actually miss school. I enjoy it. (see #4)

    24) I haven't been to the gym in 3 months

    25) i'm probably as strong as the average 9th grader

    who knew.....25

    (roughly) One year later......

    22 changed - I wrote my GMAT. i did decent.

    23 changed - I'm now a student (finishing my MBA)

    24 changed - it's been about 2 months now (i went back for a brief period

    the rest is the same

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