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Posts posted by alterion

  1. your new blog is very coooll seenmy - but i'd focus on getting a web presence first before you go into a print run. I'm a big fan of candy magazine which has seen massive growth despite being a .pdf mag . If you develop a stong web presence then when you come out with a print issue you've already developed a market and got a lot of content focusing ect.

  2. ^ thanks. although, i'm a bit on the fence about these. i think they might be a bit costumey.

    Could not agree more - infact i think you should sell em to me they will obvously look rubbish on you :D- great find, i'm sure they'll look fine with jeans ect - just don't wear em with shorts

  3. If someon would like to furnish me with an account i woudl be most gratefull :) - all i can offer is e-peen in return but its green e-peen :)

  4. is it just me or is Uniqlo a lot more expensive in England than in Asia/America? yes, I know "everything" is more expensive in the EU but this is ridiculous. if they continue this price policy theyre gonna get eaten by H & M/Zara et al.

    No the pirces are directly comparable to hm/zara ect in the UK

  5. you could contact levi's and ask if you could use a tab- I'm not hopefull but itsbetter than nothing. Or you could ship a tab non-attached and let people attach it themselves (no idea if this is possible :D)?. can i suggest traditional stiching but green-line selvage- i thik tha would be the best compromise

  6. i think i need some -

    My suggestions:


    >single pocket arctuate ala sugarcane hawali/ okinawa would be cool

    >not bothered about the patch design so long as its cool- personally i think a very minimal plain path with just the superfuture logo stamped on the bottom corner would be cool, but others might want something lmore modern

    >greeenline selvage denim of a mid weight sounds good

    >Dior 21cm cut again sounds fine

    >Personally id'd prefer a 34" inseam (cause i have small legs) but if they were going to shiink i could deal with 36" - it might be a pain but have you thought about a 34" inseam for say 27-30" waist and 36" for larger (like imperial, apc ect)

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