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Posts posted by realmyth83

  1. damn you fucked! u could always go after her best friend?

    i used to be her best friend, knowing a lot more of her secrets than others. shes kinda lonely. besides now its summer she stayed at home all days long...

  2. if your in the friendzone... thats a big time mistake... its hard to turn your friendship into something more. as the women is seeing she is already getting a great friendship out of it so why complicate things?

    your best bet is just to forget her and find some other poontang.

    or if you cant help it ... re-invent yourself, lay back and try again with stronger game.

    thanks for the suggestion. I am not that desperate, really. o/w i wont post here...


    im not thinking she's the only one for me, but im really confused.

    btw, who knows what a shy asian (cantonese) girl would think upon such an issue?

    kill me.:confused:

  3. yo yo yo check this feel me on this.

    meet up with her and drop ur pants, no underwear.

    tell her "this is how u make me feel"

    yeah yeah, make sure to get tat viagra right.

    check it yeah yeah.

    :eek: i will be kicked out of the room considering shes been practising karate for yrs....

  4. dood was this love mutual before you confessed?

    and 2 as rajio said.. dont confess wtf... unless you know its mutual...

    nah. i never meant to confess.... it was some misunderstanding that forced me to confess...:(

  5. I think we need to have a superfuture guide to attracting women. Anyway,

    Never ever ever ever EVER ever EVER confess to a woman that you like her. Ever. She already knows you're interested in her through your actions and body language. Obviously if she was attracted to YOU, she would have remembered to call right? You think a girl will simply forget to call Brat Pitt if he happened to call her? You think an interested girl would just simply forget? Forget this girl. You're wasting your time.

    thanks man. thats true ... the thing is we have been friends for yrs and i was silly enough to think that i had hidden my feelings so well that she wouldnt have known it...hmmmmmmm...regreting for being silly now...

    called her recently just coz i was hoping things could be like before no matter whether i could keep hoping for sth.......

    none of such things happened to me b4. at least she should talk to me when i seemed to have got over the crush already? she just never talked to me after that.....it has been months already. damn.

    god bless me! just cant understand.

  6. hmm, the thing jumped into my mind when i saw this thread is mastermind japan. dont understand why ppl go crazy for it. 1000 for a pair of so called "limited edition" jeans? you can get a pair of poell's twisted jeans for that money~ sometimes even 1000 for a Tshirt?With those ridiculous skull logos,mmj makes ppl look somehow funny (to me). I am really curious about what they are thinkin' about.

  7. The quality of their garments is pretty good - I own a couple of the double pocket button downs from s/s 07, and for $110 they aren't bad. The fit is not spot on, but hopefully they will work that out in subsequent seasons. Can't speak to the coats or any of this other newness.

    yah. I cant wait to see in person some of their new pieces... Got two pair of skinny jeans from them glad they fit me well and didnt stretch. Their tees are cut nicely and made in USA.

  8. thanks for the pix casius!

    i like the outfit in #10 except that the sneakers seem a bit off(to me). Hmm, I only have some basic stuff from them, like tees,shirts and skinny jeans. Whats the overal quality of their jackets? interested to see.

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