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Posts posted by 40ozprophet

  1. ed, you really should take one picture of all your pants together. you have quite the diverse collection, I'm sure people would be interested in seeing them (and then in 20 years, when they have all been worn ;) )

  2. The pirate approached him and offered him ale in exchange for a bit of company and humor in the bleak morning. The inkeeper, exceedingly witty of course, mustered up "what looks like gold and sounds like a pirate?" "Yarr, pray tell," slurred the pirate. "Pyrite!" exclaimed the inkeeper. The pirate sat there for a few moments contemplating the inkeepers face with a look that had frozen a thousand sailors. He turned to the man sitting at an adjacent table and said "that be, without a doubt, the single truest thing I've ever heard! Don't ye see? That mineral's metallic luster makes it look like gold,and it surely does sound like the word 'pirate'. M'boy, youve made yourself a friend." So our traveler drank with down his ale and continued to talk with the pirate...

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