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Posts posted by edmond

  1. err come on man stop being a gay and tell me where you live here in manila.. so i can err have someone to talk to you dont be gay by posting this i dont really need peple to appreciate me im just here to ask questions and learn and buy jeans thats no need to please no one.. stop being a jealous kid majikero and start earning money so you can buy your own samurai or sugarcane...

  2. mabuhay flip nanays! mymoms like half chinese half flip... i have this custom made hangers where i hang all my jeans each of them have their own belts.. when i came back from a weekend somewhere the fucking belts where misplace on the jeans.. i think she sun washed my jeans they smell like burned dye.. dammit

  3. how is the shit unnatural though.

    do whatever the fuck you want. i sleep in my shit sometimes. out of convenience. i don't really give a fuck about "realistic fade this and that." if i really cared then i'd just fucking buy the hardwash shit or whatever.

    hes got a point..hehehehe whats /who's khopian?

  4. oh come on man .. stop it i sleep with my jeans on sometimes i wet it first though thats what i did on my skulls and sammies.. theres no problem doing that imo.. who cares if your a weirdo.. its in your own room your own bed so what if your a weirdo!? hehehehe go for it man but make sure damp it first the parts you want to fit well... at least i wear a size 33 not a size 38 ( obesse waist line )

  5. from what a friend of mine said ( HE OWNS A DENIM MANUFACTURING PLANT ) nayways chainstiching is reinforcing without double runnings i dont know hwat he meant but i assumed that you dont have to make the jeans pass thru the machine twice but the problem with chanistiching is that when the stich starts to come off and if you try to pull it it will do a domino effect.. and yes he has a machine called a jfa im not sure made by union

  6. actually two edmond=carbon but i thought your really good with these jeans dd? how come you dont know shinichi san from skull? and you cant even instruct our fellow sf member how to order from him and your making life harder for them... your like my master sergeant on selection... damn people can be really rude sometimes..

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