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Posts posted by islandboi8204

  1. haha yeah, your purchase made me realize how bad my current knife sucks. i went to try out the wusthof vs shun, and both felt nice in my hand, shun a bit heavier imo. didn't get to try the ken onion, looks interesting though... will have to go back to try.

    any particular reason why you chose shun over the rest? better construction? i know absolutely nothing about knives, just that full tang is good... lol

  2. ^ I think he still cares about Jesse to some extent, plus he holds himself responsible for killing Jesse's gf. Like he says, he's not a criminal, just trying to provide for his family.

  3. why do fobby asian dudes always grill at me hardcore whenever im near them

    eyein me up and down and shit

    i feel mad uncomfortable/awkward

    wut do u look like? post some nudez i will tell u if the grillin is legit warranted

  4. ^ was looking at a pair. may have to just bite the bullet.

    yeah man i just picked up a pair of detroit waxed blacks and they're great. legs are slim, but not too slim, and the leg opening gives nice stacking without it looking sloppy. it should work well for you too. not sure what your price range is, but i was also considering a pair of julius twisted seam denim. it's more pricey, but definitely interesting to consider...

  5. just saw that move... too bad i've got a joey votto, adam dunn and billy butler log jam at first. dunn has been trash so far, and i really want to trade butler but no one wants him. :/

  6. damn mauer off waivers? that's nuts. and yeah, idk what settings my friend chose when creating the league. i think i could pick up matt capps off waivers, but i've been eyeing brad penny or jonathan sanchez since happ will probably be DL'd. i'm far back in the k/bb and whip categories.

  7. ^oh? forgot to consider that. max innings are 1500. but i figure 6 starters at ~200 per, probably a bit more so 1300 for starters, and less than 100 per closer should be okay.

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