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Posts posted by kauflust

  1. Hmm,,,but America never occupied the Japanese for a period of time. Correct me if I'm worng but sure they put sanctions on them after WWII, but never occupied and directly influenced them. If you're talking about a world view, yes I completely agree. =)


    The reforms during the Allied Occupation of Japan from 1945 and 1952 imposed on the country a constitutional democracy and brought about many significant social, economic, and political changes....

    The Allied Occupation of Japan occupies a unique place in the history of the world, being the only time an occupying force tried to democratize another nation by instituting sweeping political, social, and economic reforms. The U.S. had a "sense of urgency that the country should not only be 'democratized' to prevent the reemergence of militarism, but simultaneously immunized against a rising tide of communist influence" (Dower 1999, 75). Since the U.S. completely dominated the Allied Occupation, the democratic transformation had its foundation on the American model.

    The Japanese political leadership only acceded to the imposition of this radical agenda of democratization because they had almost no power to stop it. Japan had effectively been subjected to an unconditional surrender to end the war, and many of the most influential Japanese political leaders in late 1945 and early 1946 still feared trial and punishment for their role in the war, so they could not press their opposition very far. Although called an Allied Occupation, the Americans completely dominated the leadership and decision making. Moreover, General Douglas MacArthur, as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers (SCAP), could issue directives, both formally and informally, that had to be obeyed by the Japanese leaders and populace.


  2. Dropouts/Expelled

    edmond: eager newcomer with clearly a lot of cash. unfortunately, one cannot buy good taste. the student body was also disgusted as he tended to parade around shirtless, which in his case was not a god's gift to women, men, or anything carbon-based. generally politically incorrect, the final straw was snapped when he referred to kiya as a "paki."

    fadetoblack: budding kid genius with a fragile psyche. hampered by others' stylistic expectations and unable to deal with constructive criticism, he finally had a mental breakdown and had to leave school for a while. after extensive rehab, returned as

    fadetoblack2: seemed to have matured somewhat during his time at the Clinic, but quickly crumbled after he realized that the University wasn't the same place he had left it. began to alarm other students with his unsteady rambling and eventually returned to the Clinic. what remains to be seen is whether he will try to return once more or has he finally broke down for good? such is the familar tale of hopeful child prodigies.

    stuckonstupid: quickly became a bmoc with his brevity and lightning wit. male students wanted to be his friend - even if they did become the target of his sharp retorts - and female students somewhat at ease. however, this jocular facade was marred by mounting accusations of theft. initially protected because of his stature, when he realized that the other students weren't going to simply accept their losses, he stopped coming to class. attempts to subpoena him failed and eventually the Administration expelled his thieving ass.

    westside: Founder of SuFu Boyz Club, graduate student in poststructualist performance art. Renown for his engaging yet strangely non-offensive "double birds' pose while donning a pair of skin-tight zebra print Aprils. Also initially charming, he began to grate on the nerves of students with his increasingly bizarre speaking style. Professors also found his writing, incomprehensible and engimatic, completely exasperating. Unable to reconcile this new westside and the irate student body, the Administration expelled him permanently.

    Shady characters

    anyone who uses sufu soley to hawk their hypebeast shite: not actually enrolled in the University. you can find these people outside the university gates, whoring their outdated wares to anyone passing by. for those unfortunately stupid enough to purchase anything from them, will soon find that their newly acquired objects are worthless and only worth for neg rep.

  3. It can not be the chubby topless girl on everyone signature lines, can it???


    no, that chick has a huge forehead. plus, all involved parties in this forum would have been already crucified by hap.

  4. sorry canice, when i saw your latest i couldn't help but be reminded of supreme x hefty collab.


    chris: turtlenecks for the win!

    Shmeh I'm not cross posting anymore, it's a joke over there.

    I need a longer one--this one cuts off at the thigh. Still looking for a long fit that hits below my knees. Any ideas?




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