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Posts posted by airportlobbytx

  1. I really like the two hole styles, but I'd want a pair with a crepe sole. Anyone know if they would do that? What is the second pair from the top on this page, with crepe? I don't see that model on their website.

    Cool shoes, though, I'd love to support them.

  2. Bro, I dunno. All the 19 Preme beanies I have are cashmere and monogrammed on the inside by the Preme team member whose grandmas knitted the caps. They're pretty dope. I also have one, I might consider selling it, knitted from the downy fur of 15 Soho virgins.

  3. so you're half jewish half irish?

    Exactly right. (I'm not sure what is depicted in that "Usury" pic. I do like how ominous it looks.) I like both ethnicities well enough, but the older I get, the less important they are to my own self-image. I guess this may be partly explained as the privilege (curse?) of whiteness.

  4. i dont need kudos, i thought you could see that?

    Sometimes delicious, delicious candy bars take their names from pre-existing nouns, not the other way around. Rare, but it does happen.

    To illustrate, when one of your schoolyard chums declares, "Up&cum is a snickerpuss," he does not intend to indicate that you have a Snickers in your vagina.

  5. yes, but shouldn't you dress for your body type?...

    we don't see the outline of their body... and it looks alot better...

    This is BS. Fatties can dress many ways to minimize their fattiness, but I suspect that loose draping clothes are not the answer. Are you going to tell him to put on a muumuu next? While upandcumming way be alarmingly annoying, his clothes weren't so tight that bulges were revealed. In fact, the jeans made him look more massive because of the awkward puddling around the ankles - they needed either a tapering or a hemming. That would have most certainly turned him into (at least looking like) a lean, mean, supermarket killing machine!

  6. maybe i just don't understand the dropped crotch look, but does one actually go out like this in public, or is it supposed to work like long underwear? at first glance it seemed a miniskirt

    Seems to be a convenient place to store a few dooks, so it is a case of form following function. A+

  7. datasupa good call butI already tried putting all of UpandComing's posts in here they don't fit. (thighs are too tight)

    Reading upandcumming's posts just makes me sad. And I don't like feeling sad. Little bastard. Someone give him a free pair of Nudies so he'll shut the fuck up, already.

    I think the worst post I've ever seen was Jmatsu's post comparing his dis of cultpop to an assraping, and then bragging about the amount of rep he got for "ass raping" cultpop. Shit seriously left a bad taste in my mouth. I took a shower and felt better. I can't remember which stupid thread this was in.

  8. Plus I heard she gives awesome blowjobs.

    Well, if you heard it, then not only must it be true, but the girl sounds like a real keeper. Not only does she love Brit-Brit, but she is renowned for her talents in the fellatio arts. Is she also a talented biomedical researcher working on the cure for that modern scourge, herpes, as well?

  9. I'm into Bloc Party, Digitalism, Daft Punk, Ratatat, that stuff. She just happens not to have much of a connection to new music./quote]

    You should just take up listening to Britney and J-T, cause that shit's a lot better than your's.

    I've spent a lot of time "listening" and "thinking" about pop music, and I've finally come to the realization that it's all the tuneless meanderings of a bunch of mongoloids affecting juvenile postures in public while abusing their various instruments in the hopes of finally escaping the uncomfortable binds of celibacy. Seriously - listen to Avril Lavine - how is it quantifiably worse than Sonic Youth?

  10. This thread is stupid as fuck. You need other people to tell what's interesting? Does your mom still wipe your ass, too?

    Personally, I think psychology is a pseudo-science and unworthy of study. Others disagree. I think philosophy is the most interesting/applicable subject in that list. Many disagree. Who gives a shit?

    Hint: in college, students usually pick classes based on the reputations of the professors.

  11. I dunno, dark and ninja-like is always better than looking like a looney tunes character

    Disagree - I don't need clothes to tell me how brooding and deep-feeling the wearer is. I can assume that from the pimples and post-pubescent scowl.

  12. I kinda like 'em. They're silly and affected fits, but at least they aren't "dark" or "street." Dude looks kinda funny, which is always better than "dude looks like he thinks he's in an elite German infantry division comprised of super ninjas."

    Meh, on second thought, they're just sloppy and dumb.

    Plug and Kerri Strug.

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