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Posts posted by khaltire

  1. Cool, stitching is nice.. I think it would be better WITHOUT the W... looks out of place... or at least a different (not as noticeable W), or one that was a scripty font, as opposed to an ugly regular w


    maybe like this? oh well, not like they are open to suggestions

  2. man, I wouldnt have got the flatheads.. I would have waited a month to see what they roll through with.. its different if youre buying quickly BECAUSE you wanted the arcuates, but in this case, you had nothing to lose by waiting.. thats just me though, I might think the new arcuates are kinda cool (not as cool as the old ones though)

  3. Man.. those jeans are BONKERS.. selvage is nuts too.. I still cant believe that they didnt mention to you that they would shrink like 3 inches in length when they hit water... are these jeans still in production? what do they cost from japanese sites?

  4. really? i'd say it's overrated

    co-sign on the Portland, for most (not the superfuture intelligent ones) Americans Canadian cities such as Vancouver and Montreal are overlooked for Toronto.

    Also, In my opinion San Fran and San Diego are extremely overlooked when compared to Los Angeles. Both better cities IMHO.

    Actually, make that pretty much anything north and up of San Jose.

    Dont think so man.. Van was voted best city in the WORLD to live, back to back to back

  5. Sneakeraddict, it could shrink to 36 but it could also shrink above and below (after the 2nd soak).. it depends on water temp, time soaked etc. Generally, its pretty close to the 36 inseam though that they say. They are a slim cut (but not tight slim)... low rise (too low for my tastes, Im selling my pair). I got my actual waist size

  6. Yeah they fit comfortably around my thighs which are about 18" at their biggest

    point.. Cant go for $150 sorry.. .I bought them for 280 like a month ago.. plus the fact that these will never be made again like this means that for a price that low, I will just keep them

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