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Posts posted by @work

  1. I'm down as long as it's in Hoboken, Jersey City or Newark. No fucking way I'm gonna hang out by a tire shop in Paterson.

    I'm no fun anyway, I just drink a lot. You guys set it up and if I'm available I'll show up.

    Any of those three spots i would be down.

  2. Stunt - Shit happened so quick, never been hit before. Got bruised and scratched up. Luckily, nothing permanent. I'm fucking lucky though, makes me want to start wearing a helmet. Too bad my bike got a bit banged up but it's all good.

    ML - we still have to get up and ride when you get the chance.

    Be safe all.

  3. ^ That's terrible :( . RIP.

    Got hit 2 weeks ago, dude ran the stop sign and clipped me. Threw me off my bike and landed on my hip. Been a little nervous riding around and even more cautious now. Picked up a trainer as a substitute for riding on the street. Shit sux.

  4. Another thing I noticed...girls need to STOP od'ing with the tanning...there were way TOO MANY "mature" women who had hideous freckled-fried, unnaturally dark skin. Some old lady Floridian shit goin' on when they were anywhere from 30 to mid-40's...atleast they looked it, couldn't tell the difference...spaghetti straps were a terrible look for these broads.

    No doubt..

  5. Damn, if i knew more people from sf was there, we could had a session up above the soundstage. My boy had extra citi sky lounge passes and ended up passing them out to some random chicks right before interpol came on. The view from up there was amazing, plus a cooler of free beers and waters. Had a blast, got wasted, hoot and hollered. Highlights were Interpol, Wu, Yeah Yeah Yeahs (although we had to leave there set to see Wu), Incubus were good, Bad Brains were dope, Beasties were of the hook and the Pumkins were sick. The Police were alright but the chemistry just wasn't there. Got alot pics to upload later, took the day off from work to recover. Mad hot on saturday and the raw denims were brutal. Hope everyone had fun.

  6. 9w bike ride in NJ, take it all the way to Nyack, NY. A sweet ride from the GW bridge. Also, if you head upstate NY, you can check out 7 lakes. Tons of trails to hike, nice place to ride as well. Lovely for a Sat afternoon.

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