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Posts posted by @work

  1. Details: (that i just made up b/c no one else wants to)

    This Saturday 10/6



    i'm guess we'll be able to find each other by the clothes. those who wear superfutureXloopwheeler shirts will be ridiculed - don't be that guy

    Maxwells is probably going to be a shit show on saturday. if anyone has another suggestion, let's hear it... there's a random biker bar on third that i've always wanted to try.

    which one, stinky sullivans?

  2. ^ tell me about it. getting married in nov and been slackin like crazy. i own 1 suit for weddings/funeral/interviews :o . def not renting a suit from mens wearhouse (gross) but at the same time i'm strapped for cash (paying for most of the wedding). sf need to school me on suits/tuxs.

  3. 6th is a sat? correct? Im down with hoboken at night or late afternoon. polish and I will be the ones wearing shotglasses around our necks, cause that's how you get chiks in hoboken.

    ok, count us in for night only. gotta find a suit for my wedding and my chick has to get her wedding dress tailored in the daytime.

  4. My goddam job at the moment. Been here since 9am, won't be leaving this shithole till 10 or 11 tonight, hr commute back home (plus look for parking on the street) only to come back tommorow @ 9am and do it all again. Might as well sleep over. Working on some wack ass movie. Who the hell is gonna watch "The Headless Horsemen" anyways on Sci-fi. Sorry for the rant.

  5. Rome and I briefly discussed it and we're down for hoboken. get something to eat, maxwells, whatever.

    ps: does anyone know any good salons to get a cut in jersey?

    I'll meet up for drinks, first round on me.

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