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bee hee

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Posts posted by bee hee

  1. Longshot2.jpg

    When the African nation of Genosha passed a law forcing mutant citizens to leave the country a few years ago, Arthur "Longshot" Centino and his mutant girlfriend Spiral were among the few who remained, going underground to promote mutant rights. Longshot's dedication to mutant freedom and his growing hatred of non-powered humans led him to neglect Spiral, who eventually sought solace with Sir Arthur Scheele, a Genoshan politician sympathetic to the mutant cause. Finding them together Longshot was enraged and killed Scheele in a fury before Spiral knocked him unconscious. Hoping to protect Scheele's family from the scandal, Spiral took both Longshot and Scheele's body to a secluded area and left them there. Longshot was soon tried and sentenced to death for Scheele's murder.

    Longshot was forced to star in the Genoshan government's "Hunt for Justice" television program, overseen by media mogul Mojo Adams and his aide Major Domo, in which condemned mutants were killed on the neighboring island of Krakoa. Released on Krakoa to be hunted down, Longshot survived far longer than the average contestant, becoming a favorite of the viewing public.

  2. My entire family loves hockey; I basically grew up reading books at my brother's hockey games. I played when I was young but quit once I got tired of my feet getting so damn cold.

    I don't mind skating and occasionally seeing a game at the rink, though.

  3. Try Chin Up Chin Up ~ "We Should Have Never Lived Like We Were Skyscrapers"

    oh god, Chin Up Chin Up was my soundtrack for the summer and I haven't listened to them since. Thanks for reminding me of them!

  4. Bump-- This didn't happen to me, but it did happen to my Pops, during my lifetime, though I was too young to know what was going on. When my Dad was working in the ER in a reallllly shitty part of Brooklyn, we're talking like 10 gunshot wounds a night, this guy comes in, homeless-looking, and is quite fucked-up. I'm not sure the initial reason he came in, but while they were drawing blood for tests he seized, his elbow knocked my Dad's hand, holding the hypodermic full of warm blood, right into his fucking stomach. The guy died 4 hours later of advanced HIV complications. My dad had to wait 6 months for final results. It left a wound the diameter of a grapefruit on his chest. He's clean, by some miracle, the odds against aquiring HIV after being directly injected with warm H+ blood are ridiculous.

    Wow---- what a close call. Those six months must have been hell.

  5. starbitches.

    shall we start a campaign to bring them down?

    flyers saying their profits supports child slavery/soldiery in africa and other bad things.

    if we're sneaky enough, they won't know whom to sue for libel.

    and pins that say "starbitches," of course.

  6. pussies.

    this man speaks the truth. moaning about not eating meat five-six days a year?

    people around me seem to think being veg is a bitch move. I'd like to see how many years they could last. and that means fishes are off the menu too.

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