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Posts posted by PAND

  1. MadRopes, you got a point.

    As much as i'd never be seen dead in Diesel or energie, you gotta face facts - for some inexplicable reason, people will continually jizz over raw denim made by Zimbabwean farmer's virgin daughters, before being sent on boats to japan, where they are constructed on pre world war levi's looms by japanese girls tied up with bondage rope while a giant squid on the middle of the factory floor tries to tentacle rape as many as possible, giving off some squid ink to give the indigo its unique shade.



  2. everyone on the last page (chris, kix, sxxxe, mike etc) very nice

    yesterday night...early christmas get together


    _FL x MHI

    _stussy tee


    _w)taps chukkas


    Is there something wrong with my monitor, as i swear i can only get greyscale now :confused:

    Gotta admit tho, i DO like those chukkas!

  3. anyone willing to buy a trooper hat for me? it's the only thing i want, and nomad doesn't seem to be getting it. :/

    the green/grey/brown one, preferably.

    PM or caniceleung at gmail.com

    You can have mine for the price of postage if you do this pose for my friend Richard in it:


    Otherwise i've got hte orange/white/purple if you're interested in that one.


  4. the real japanese retail? i dunno

    108 @ recon

    looks like a lot of people here want taps BDUs

    HOLY SHIT! I was looking at £125 on grandism.com

    Need a jp hook up!

    Oh what do they fit like... do they come up big? (i've already imed mil "w)taps" spex but i think he's afk. :(

  5. Don't watch Audition, it was appallingly bad........no structure, ridiculous concept. Tried too hard to be intellectual and "deep" but missed the mark by miles.

    I've seen the Miike segment, its called Box. I've got it on dvd. Can't remember which one i least enjoyed, that or Park's called (cant remember).

    Dumplings was the best, plus had Christopher Doyle doing the photography from what i recall.

    Miike's Masters of Horror episode is lol and worth seeing, so too is Yokai Denso.

  6. In no order (gory & scary)

    Brain Dead

    TCM 1 and 2

    One Missed Call

    Dawn Of The Dead (2004 Remake)

    The Fly

    The Brood

    The Thing

    Hellraiser I and II

    Ju-On: The Grudge (not that US shite)

    A Tale of Two Sisters

    The Hills Have Eyes (not the original, that was utter shite, and not a grindhouse classic as ppl make out. Wes Craven OVERRATED by miles)

    Cannibal Holocaust (the Deodato one)

    Switchblade Romance

    need to see:

    Jack Frost, Meatball Machine, Marebito, Forbidden Siren.

  7. Blue Velvet

    Band of Outsiders

    Sex, Lies, and Videotape

    The Exorcist


    i can keep going forever, there is no way i can name just one

    Some classic lines in Blue Velvet and The Exorcist:

    Frank Booth: What are you looking at?

    Jeffrey Beaumont: Nothing.

    Frank Booth: Don't you look at me, fuck!


    Frank Booth: I shoot when I see the whites of the eyes.

    Frank Booth: Shut up! It's Daddy, you shithead! Where's my bourbon?

    [repeated line]

    Frank Booth: Fuck you, you fucking fuck!


    [Regan, possessed, is masturbating with a crucifix]

    Pazuzu: Let Jesus fuck you, let Jesus fuck you. Let him fuck you.

    Regan MacNeil: Do you know what she did, your cunting daughter?

    Pazuzu: Your mother sucks cocks in Hell, Karras, you faithless slime.

    heh. classics.

  8. case in point - after dicaprio gets shot in the head, he slumps to the ground like a sack, and the lift door, just watch the lift door, it closes, nudges his corpse, opens, closes, nudges, opens, closes...there's such a streak of farce running through the whole scene i found it hugely humourous. as a qualification, it's not the har-har-har type of humour, but the insidious sort of chuckle one might produce after a vicious prank.

    I saw IA in the cinema, and when the same thing happens to Leung, i don't recall such LOL.

  9. For me Nicholson was, dare i say it, little bit panto for my liking.

    I was suprised about the number of ppl laughing at the "headshots", was it supposed to be humourous?

    Christopher Doyle makes IA look so sweet, the guy's an awesome cinematographer.

    What i loathe about hte Departed is the silly Hollywood ending, and Wahlberg's character - it was like he was pasted in as an after thought. Can't really go into too much detail without bringing up spoilers, but i do feel that IA was better.

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