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Posts posted by thelion1856

  1. 293.banks.tyra.lc.092508.jpg

    Anyone else notice this? I'd still hit it but i wonder what her friends think of her? Shes got that crazy look to her and on every show she reminds people "when i was a model..." and talks shit to her guest saying how modeling is hard and this and that. Just crushing their dreams. Its funny to watch if anything.



  2. If you go to any bartender and talk to them they can give you

    A free VIP card that gets you I'm front of all lines and on lists. They have them all over but some will give them out to chicks only others will give u one of your cool so do yr best.

  3. dino your looking at 2 year to 2.5 years for that length if your hair is curly then 3 years. Im growing mine back out too. i've "cut" my hair once since december 2005. that was in march 08 if im not mistaken. its looking shaggy

  4. he's right, i've been to 2 best buy locations in san diego and both the guys there said they dont do the student discounts and that only the apple store does it. did it change or were they just throwin bullshit in my direction?

    also do you have to be a full time student to qualify for a student discount?

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