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Posts posted by m00ba77

  1. Then we came to the big fish tank. This is sort of the "Shark Tank" since it has sharks. Sarah is in love with sharks. She is like a little kid around them. I think she wants to be a marine biologist when she grows up... in addition to all the other things.



    There were a few weird looking fish




    And some Sea Horses



    We finished out at the Aquarium and went on to the Botanical Gardens.

    Once we went in we found this "Kids Fantasy Garden" It's supposed to be like being an inch tall. I think this was our favourite part.

    Sarah loves carrots!



    I went Ant Riding at the Ant Rodeo!



  2. Today we had the day off and decided to go visit the Albuquerque "Bio-Park" which is basically the complex that houses the Botanical Garden, Aquarium and Zoo.

    Before we left, Sarah (my GF) made us some Cinnamon Rolls with a Cream Cheese Glaze (from scratch of course!). Deeeeliciouss!



    I put on my Warehouse 660s

    Sarah put on her Naked & Famous Slim Girl Natural Indigos

    Then we drove on down to the Bio-Park.

    We only went to the Aquarium and Botanical Garden today. We will go to the Zoo soon, but we didn't have time to do all three.

    We went in and navigated around all the school groups. Lots of kids. Reminded me of when I was a kid visiting various aquariums and zoos around the country when we were travelling. This aquarium is very small, but this is a very small city and it's in the middle of the desert.

    (I will apologize now for the quality of some of these pictures, this camera is crap and I know I need a new one... I just haven't been willing to throw down the significant chunk of change for a DSLR)

    The Sting Ray tank



    They have brought in Seagulls to add to the authenticity. Poor seagulls.


    They have a really cool collection of Moray Eels. These eels are a very creepy animal Their skin reminds me of something between a slug and the skin of a wrinkly old lady.



    They have several different types of Jellyfish. I love these things.





  3. what?did i say that anything is wrong with them?

    it was a tip.read again please: A TIP.

    listen,its 8.00 on a saturdaymorning here,i am still too tired to go with you in a endless,senseless discussion about what is right to wear or wrong.

    dont care too much,this is the internet,nothing written here counts in real life.


    settle down..

    no reason to be grumpy on a Saturday morning! :)

  4. IMGP0079.jpg


    Then we decided to go to Bobcat Bite. This is a burger joint that only has 9 tables and a counter. It's been rated as the best hamburger in the USA by a bunch of different restaurant magazines and the NYT as well. The food is all natural and the burger is ground fresh daily from high quality meat. It's also cheap: Lunch for 2, $25. You almost always have to wait for a seat. We only had to wait 10 minutes because we went in-between lunch and dinner.





    I ordered a Green Chile Cheeseburger with Bacon. Classic New Mexico hamburger. The side was Home Fries, no french fries here. I ordered my burger rare, because the beef here is so high quality that it really is damn good that rare. Yum!



    After this I went home and got ready for work... and unfortunately I can't wear jeans to my job.

    I hope everyone had a wonderful day!

  5. Today we got up and grabbed some doughnuts at Kips Doughnuts



    Then we drove down to Cochiti Pueblo to go hike the easy little loop around the Kasha Katuwe Tent Rocks area. We also went down the slot canyon path. This area is really amazing and looks so different from everything in the surrounding area. I would have taken pictures of the pueblo as well, but photographs are prohibited in most of the pueblos.










  6. I understand now...

    but to be honest I hadn't purchased any new clothing in quite a while... and my job has been very very profitable recently... then with all the sales going on recently, I just sort of went on a bit of a spree.

    I haven't discarded anything from my wardrobe except things I didn't wear any ways.

    Honestly, I love my new wardrobe and I feel much more comfortable with my look now, and I get a lot of positive comments on the clothing... so in reality this experience has been helpful to me.

    I hope that it's not taken as my attempting to fit in here, because that's not the point. The point is that it was time for a style change for me, to something that fit me a bit better. This seems to fit, and I like it.

    In honesty, almostnice, you were one of the people who sort of pushed me (not intentionally) to re-evaluate what I was wearing and why.

    So I'd like to say thank you.

  7. You just bought a whole wardrobe of superdenim approved stuff?

    Vinatge wool? Check!

    JCrew utiliy chambray? Check!

    Repro raw denims? Check!

    Red Wing boots? Check!

    not that it looks bad. That first pic looks kind of awesome too. Like you photoshopped yourself into a Where the WIld Things Are shot...

    I liked the styles that I saw and I thought that perhaps since I could afford to switch my wardrobe around I would.

    Is this a bad thing?

  8. haha

    I thought that was the least revealing bathtub shot...

    I've never worn a speedo... maybe I should get one.

    Also, the bath is rather small. I am no giant, only 6' tall.

    The glasses are necessary so I can see... and I was soaking for a bit so I didn't want to be blind the whole time.

  9. Today we lazed around because we had the day off.

    Took the dog for a walk and to look at a few shops around the plaza.

    Stopped to take this picture in the entrance to De Colores Imports

    (APC Petit Standards)


    My Dubbelworks warehouse 660s arrived today. Amazingly fast shipping, but pricey at $32. Overnight.

    I also got a Tanner Goods belt in the mail today... but I totally messed up the sizing and got the wrong size. Anybody wanna buy it? :)

    We went shopping and then came home to make dinner.

    A hearty meal for sure: Roasted Turnips, Parsnips, Potatoes, Carrots and Sweet Potatoes with Herbs.... Roasted Brussel Sprouts in 12 Year Balsamic Vinegar, Pan Seared Flank Steak.



    Then it was time to soak my new jeans:


    Stretch them out a bit while soaking:


    Now They're hanging to dry in front of the wood-stove.


    Tried to get some macro pics of the denim... but the artificial light is no good (and neither is this camera)i. I'll have to try again with natural light tomorrow.

    Here's what I got nonetheless...




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