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Posts posted by scfdefinit

  1. any of the bearded guys have recommendations for ingrown hairs?

    If you're having ingrown hairs you might want to change your shaving routine/technique.

    It's best to shave after a shower to prep your facial hair for shaving. A good scrub/face wash will work also. Also use a good shaving gel and aftershave.

    You might want to look into traditional wet shaving also with the whole DE safety razor, shaving brush, shaving cream, etc.

    www.badgerandblade.com is a good place to start. Mantic has a bunch of shaving tutorials on youtube also.

  2. Right now I'm using

    Menscience Daily Fash Wash

    Anthony Logistics Alcohol-Free Toner

    Cetaphil cream Moisturizer

    Anyone recommend a good clay mask? I'm looking for one to use weekly to reduce acne blemishes. I'll look into mederma for my acne scars.

  3. ^Word. That does suck, retiring at the peak of your career and then your team wins the superbowl the next year.

    I'm so happy the Pats lost. Overrated sons a bitches. Now all those snobby ass Pats fans can shut up.

  4. 81 went as expected. Brock getting caught in a sub. Nogueira submitting Tim in the later rounds.

    Who's looking forward to 82? I want to see Hendo win. I like Anderson Silva but people are nuthugging him like crazy as of late.

  5. i use azureus. downloads everything with no problems but i have heard that utorrent is faster. is this true? if so, i might have to give it a try.

    also, are those peerguardian and protowall programs important? dont wanna get snitched on, but then again i heard firewalls are kinda tricky/difficult and may fuck up other internet settings on your computer. would i need to run both of them?

    uTorrent isn't necessarily faster but it is more lightweight and uses less resources on your computer. It's just the basics.

    Only run either peerguardian or protowall not both. They're not too tricky, just install and run the program whenever your downloading a torrent. If you're not downloading then turn it off. It's not like a firewall where you're running it 24/7 you only run it when you need to, to block people from snitching on you when you download movies, music, computer programs, etc.

    I wouldn't say its important just a precaution. I always read on torrent comments or on the peerguardian forum of people getting reported for downloading movies and whatever. The people at peerguardian actually help people with court cases too. So if you ever get caught for copywright infringement go over there.

  6. 2 mbit if your bandwidth reading is 1.33 mbps.

    peerguardian and protowall are IP blockers so you don't get caught for downloading anything illegal (blocks IPs of people who report others, RIAA, police, etc.). I would recommend running them with utorrent if you download movies or any other similar media. There's no available versions for these programs for vista yet though.

    Usually utorrent randomizes the port used so it shouldn't matter but if you're having trouble connecting to peers, then you're going to have to forward these ports if you're behind a router or firewall.

    If your behind a router then just follow directions on this site to forward ports.


    If your behind a firewall then just allow utorrent.

  7. ^ Haha yeah I just saw it on youtube. HMC is a kickboxer and not a MMA fighter though so its not suprising he would lose by submission. But, man that guy is huge. Fedor got messed up when he was ground/pounding him and when he tried to take him down HMC would just fall over LOL. Imagine if HMC had decent BJJ defense.

  8. Aw man, Wand lost. He showed a lot of heart though taking some crazy shots and still fighting back. Those judges were crazy scoring it 30-27 for Chuck. I thought at least Wand took 1 round. Chuck definitely took the third though. I was rooting for Sokoudjou also, Machida suprised me. That boy good.

  9. I hear the Braun Pulsonics are pretty good. Probably what you're looking for. I also hear the Philips Norelco ones are good but I'm not really into that 3 head shit. I don't really have neck hair anyway. I'd rather have a strait Braun one.

  10. Is 4 GB the max? Does it actually register? Because you can have 4 GB of RAM in your notebook but if your OS or chipset can only handle 3 GB max it'll only register 3 GB out of the 4 GB.

  11. oh my god...

    i watched "grave of the fireflies" in 7th grade in school when i lived in japan... directly preceding a class trip to hiroshima that was coming up.

    i swear the entire class was collectively bawling their eyes out.

    Haha. I didn't cry after watching that movie. Maybe it was because I was in Hawaii at the time and I was like "They bombed us first and shit! That's what they get!" War stories are usually pretty sad but if you look at it from another angle thats just how war is.

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