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Mr Fingers

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Posts posted by Mr Fingers

  1. A "gift" worth under $60 is supposed to mean no tax and usually does. Exceptions are when it's obviously worth more (electronics, a laptop, etc.), or if they open the package and find a pricetag or invoice with a higher value. But it usually works.

    The fees are a drag but aren't that bad compared to private carriers. $5 handling fee plus 5% tax in most cases.

  2. Yeah, dpi defines the resolution of the image so it definitely matters. Maybe even more with 35mm film because it's always going to be enlarged due to the small size.

  3. It's like Mr. Fingers said above, it's a brokerage/handling fee. So, if the package doesn't get stopped at the border, you shouldn't be charged the fee. However, if it does...

    Actually, you're charged the fee because the packages never go through Customs in the traditional sense. That's the whole point. Rather than UPS/FedEx/etc. having to wait for all their packages to clear customs, they have an arrangement with Customs that allows them to deal with it all themselves. You're paying them a premium to take care of it in a much quicker way..


    You can get around this brokerage fee by doing your own paper work. You need to contact Canada Customs, get the proper paperwork, fill it out completely, send the paperwork to the company where you bought the product, and ensure that they include the paperwork with the product when it's shipped. If all of the above is executed right, all you should have to pay for is duty/taxes.

    Yeah, you can also refuse delivery, or just not answer the door, and then call the carrier and say you want to pick it up at the warehouse, and that you want to clear it yourself. I think it just means one extra form to fill out, plus picking up at a different office in the same building, and then you just pay the tax, no handling/broker fees. I've never done it but a friend of mine does it all the time.

  4. Also, I know it's been mentioned, but you could write books about how hard metallica fell off. They are the definition of a band fading away.

    Funny, cause just last night I was reading the new Rolling Stone while waiting for my girl, and there was an article about how Rick Rubin is producing their next album, and it's supposed to be a return to the Master Of Puppets era. He told them to imagine it was 1986 and they had no back catalog to define them, so 'what would they sound like?' All I could think was how that was the totally obvious road to redemption for them, but that it's a totally pathetic and cynical gesture at this point. Fuck them dudes.

  5. Yeah right off of apc.fr. I'm still kind of hoping that Canada Post just failed to update their tracking, and that my package will magically appear today. I was expecting it after the long weekend. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since I placed my order. Toooo long.

    From experience it usually takes about 2 weeks, sometimes more, for me to get my APC orders, though I'm way out on the west coast. The up side is that I've only had to pay tax once out of six or seven orders..

    EDIT: yeah Canada Post's tracking is often unreliable, but why would a package shipped from the US be tracked through them? The tracking should be through the carrier APC used..

  6. New Order - post "Substance I & II"

    Huh? Substance is a singles collection, and what the hell is "Substance II"? Are you thinking of Joy Division?

    Not sure if you're agreeing with me that My War and Slip It In are exceptions to the shitty "magical engineer" work of the other albums...or if you are lumping them into the pile. I'm assuming you didn't mean the latter.

    Yeah, I was agreeing, that My War kinda blows because of the recording, but that Slip It In is also a great album. Most people I know feel that way too.

  7. some bands that went to shit, hard:

    Red Cross – first EP on Posh Boy is killer, then they turned into a boring alt-rock band..

    Public Image Ltd – first two albums are incredible, but somewhere along the way they turned into the PIL that most people are familiar with

    Bad Brains

    Goo Goo Dolls – went from aping the Replacements to making mad corny songs for the dramatic moments in bad tv shows

  8. This will always result in people arguing about personal preference...but I'll go on record to say Black Flag - post-My War...although I blame it more on the shitty new age (80's) engineer work, rather than musical direction (at least they didn't go the Crossover route like damn near every other first wave hardcore band)...it's like they just discovered the magic of reverb/echo/delay...and never stopped running with it. I do like Slip It In though.

    Most people I know feel this way about both My War and Slip It In. I definitely do.

    :confused: :confused: :confused:

    fear of a black planet was arguably better

    Yup. Fear Of A Black Planet was fire when it came out, still is today. In my top ten of all time. The density of sound and the relentless pace (no silence between songs) make it sound so pissed, and somehow it was more varied but still more focused than Nation Of Millions. Love that album.

  9. Given the horrible scene there right now, is there anything that can be done on our end to help the people in that country get out from under this oppressive regime.

    That's the question, not just about Zimbabwe, but about every fucked up oppressive regime that exists with the blessing of, and for the benefit of affluent nations. I don't have any easy answers for you, but I can tell you that an effective solution isn't going to involve shutting up and continuing to buy that shit anyway.

  10. It's wider in the legs because the NS is wider in the legs than the NC. The PS is based off of the NS not the NC, hence the name.


    i got my petite standards in black, ordered from apc new york. usually a 28 so i just sized down one from all the ppl here saying the black doesn't stretch as much. they measure the same in waist as a 27 new cures but the calfs and hip area is a lot tighter i wouldn't reccomend sizing down two. i'm already slim and when i put them on the first time my lower legs were hurtin but after a week its okay now. if i sized down two, the waist would have been perfect, but then the knees and hips would probably kill me.

    Which one is correct?

    edit: and from one vancouverite to another, i'd avoid buying apc from a brick and mortar shop in town, they can be had for much less online.

    Agreed, though I think a few stores here have dropped prices due to the dollar, while APC have raised their prices, so it's not as bad as it was a couple years ago (140 vs. around 200)

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