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Posts posted by faust

  1. faust (and everyone else) -- please don't link directly to images (i.e., to the doverstreetmarket.com domain) -- use imageshack.us or another free image host to host the images for you (imageshack is convenient since it has a "load from URL" option).

    I really need to write up better rules, and I swear I will someday....

    My bad. I still don't have an imageshack account - I'll set that up, or I'll just post links to the images themselves without posting the actual images - is that Ok? Is it for copyright reasons or for bandwidth reasons?

  2. Faust you ledgend!

    You ain't seen nothing yet ;-) Joking (kinda). Cool. Yea, disregard the hideous styling (unless you are planning to travel to Milan). I've seen them in person, and I think a lot of people will be turned away by how they look on the rack, which should play into your hands. Another thing with an item like that is that you will still sell it after a year of wear for a couple of hundred...

  3. sorry to digress from the actual topic...but..

    they sell dior homme jeans at the saks in sf?

    do they have alot of sizes or is it just 3-4 pairs or something like that...

    sorry about this..didnt think it was worthy enough for a new thread..

    Even if they don't, the NYC Saks has a crapload of them, especially the raw jeans, and they will gladly ship them to you, just ask a sales associate - it's part of their job.

  4. faust... would you take a picture of yourself wearing the jeans? I really want to see the "banana legs" in effect. Now you've got me curious. The salesman at Saks (Scott, very nice guy) showed them to me, and I took one look and went "uh, no thanks" due to the codpiece. I still don't think I'd ever wear them, but I'd like to see them in action.

    Actually, mine are not banana cut :-) . I can snap a picture to show you how nicely tmine bunch up, great for tucking into boots. Let me see if I can dig a picture out on the web for the banana ones.


    dug some out, but they are from Luisa via Roma, who has the worst styling in the world - I don't these pics will turn you on, lol.



  5. i wasn't arguing that, i fully agree, all i'm saying is that i think galliano is trying to prove that he can do a real menswear line, since slimane took over the dior homme line from him and suddenly it was a mass-market brand, something galliano never was able to do. so now he's trying to do the same thing...only "better."

    I don't know, I don't see it. All I see is an ego-maniac saying that he can produce whatever he pleases and it'll sell just because his name is on it... which is pretty much the case at this point. He is launching a diffusion line, so maybe he'll try to catch some of the mass market with it.

    Mickawes, you are not the first surprised how a banana cut can fit beautifully - it's just one of those sartorial mysteries. In Saks they will probably easily go on sale - you can wait.

  6. i think the reason for the high price has everything to do with galliano's ego, which is boundless, as opposed to having anything to do with the actual denim quality, which is good but not fantastic. right now galliano is trying to prove that he can do menswear just as well if not better than slimane, and part of that is making his more expensive simply so that people think it's better quality...it's not.

    Meh. Dior Homme is no longer a measuring stick for quality garment. Those days are over, bud - they ended with Luster. It is now a mass-market brand.

  7. I am always the first to flame Galliano for the gay man-whore style, but one thing I will give him is that his garments are very high quality, including jeans. Actually, I've been having great success selling it on Ebay - a lot of people want them. I recently bought a pair for myself, the quitest-looking piece I could find. They are drainpipes, and they bunch up so much better than Diors. Here is a picture form Ebay (I am not the seller) in blue (mine are gray).




    BTW, for future reference, the ones you tried are called "banana" cut, because of legs slightly resembling banana shape. Another distinguishing thing about Galliano's jeans is what's called the "Napoleon" pocket (from Napoleon habit to stick his arm half away into the fold of his jacket) - and on the jeans it's right on the crotch. Girls dig it ;-)

  8. I think a "fake watch" would be a really nice idea. Since some brands are faked so often (BAPE, Supreme, Louis Vuitton), and some not so much (Visvim?), it really skews the buyer's eye as to what to look out for. If there was a forum or website where people could post fakes they've seen, where they were, etc. people would have a better idea what to look out for. Personally, I had no clue Number (N)ine was faked so much, and probably would've been much more easy to convince to buy a fake item were it not for my discerning eye (see above?).

    Ebay is also full of those Comme des Garcons Rolling Stones tees. You can see by the fake labels. The seller is from HK.

  9. yeah, nobody on superfuture knows anything!

    Don't be sore - I think I can be a good contributor to these boards, and not only fashionwise. Didn't we already discuss the Windup Bird Chronicle? :-)

    You guys know a lot, for sure - I've learned quite a few things about denim from you.

  10. I used to buy every issue of Nonno, but lately I skipped the spring and summer issue, 'cause they tend to be all the same look, I'm more into the F/W aesthetic. They're available in Kunikinuya and Zakka, but I get them the cheapest in my neighborhood in Astoria at a Japanese store. My only problem with Undercover is that their size 2 is still baggy on me. We'll see this season.

    Gotcha. I hate Rockefeller center :-(

  11. looks legit to me. and i agree with djrajio, their strength is tailored garments - tshirts is filler - i wouldn't buy them. the upcoming fw n(n) collection looked fantastic - can't wait to see it in stores.

  12. Oh I just realized, your blog has been in my bookmark. I'm waiting for Undercover to drop in, I just saw the Fall Collection in Men's Nonno. But I love seeing the womeswear as well, he's definitely one of my fav designers. I don't care I'll date a girl wrapped in mummy wear. hahaha!

    Oh, that's cool - thanks for bookmarking. Remarks like that give me incentives to post more :-) Atelier's Undercover buy was amazing, I think you should drop in when they get their delivery (they showed me pictures of what they bought, excellent.) Where do you get Nonno? I've heard a lot about the mag, but never had a chance to see it. Curious.

  13. Are you talking about their obsession with Cory Kennedy? I can't post there so yeah, welcome and share us retail secrets in NYC, esp sales and when labels drop new stuff.

    I don't know who that is, I don't go to those sections. All I know is lately every time I hit "new posts" I get 100 celebs/models threads per "designer/shopping" thread. There has become less and less quality discussion about FASHION.

    Thanks for the welcome. I'll keep you guys posted. The more I stick around the more familiar I will become with people's tastes, etc. Then I can figure out to whom recommend what. Meanwhile, there is an excellent NYC shopping write-up in my blog's, September 2005 archive (in the middle of the page)



  14. Get some pure blue japan like a lot of posters here, they used to make jeans for 45RPM, they're prohibitively expensive but still less than Jomon/Sorahikos and according to some specialists here (Ringring), even better made than 45RPM. A lot slubbier though, definitely not for everyone.

    See first sentence of post #17 :-)

  15. or we may corrupt you and have you obsessing over japanese jeans and dunks...hahahahahahahahaha

    i really hope not tho.

    Nah, you can rest assured that I will be Ok. Funny though, a friend of mine from the UK asked me to pick up a pair of jomons for him, because they are "cheaper" here than in the 45rpm Paris store. When I looked at the receipt, I think my eyes went dark a little. I'm not the one to be shaken up by high prices, but I do have my limits...

  16. Alright.. Faust posting on Superfuture? What is this world coming to?! Love your opinions, posts, and especially outfits (ann dem boots make me swoon) on TFS but SF almost seems like a step down for someone so knowledgeable!

    Sorry for the derail, I was caught off guard. The shoes are great and I'd like to see some decent online Margiela retailers. I had to resort to buying a vest on ebay from some guy who thought the size was '10 because it is circled on the tag.'

    Yea, what can I do. tFS is not what it used to be, it's become overflooded with people who only care about models and celebs. Maybe I can help some guys on here to graduate from jeans/sneakers/hoodies? I don't know. We'll see.

    Thanks for the compliment. Cheers!

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