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Posts posted by RAISED BY WOLVES

  1. as far as i heard from a few nice japanese businessmen at uniqlo on the day of the opening, they're staggering the release of the t-shirts- the ones not in-store

    now should be available within a month.

    I like the sound of that.

  2. They have a whole bunch of artist collabs that I had HEARD were dropping at the flagship opening. I cant wait to see what Araki brings to the table. They actually do some interesting graphic tees so im lookin forward to it.

  3. @Work...I like the outfits man. Real simple and the 19's look proper. I like the parred down supreme look when it's done right.

    As for those totes, Those things are fucking ridiculous. All of them. I don't give a fuck who makes them, Men are not meant to "tote" anything. Christ even the word makes me shiver...

  4. 6' 3", buck 60, and I got a large...It's almost like a coat in a good way. You could rock it with real skinny jeans if you like the baggy long top smaller bottom look that peole are doing, but I think it is better suited for layering and more traditional 501 cuts and new standards,

  5. Maybe you could get the fuck off the internet and hit the streets. In all honesty man its getting fuckin grating....

    See if you want that "look" the best way to get it is with a mix of high fashion, thrift, custom alteration, and a little bit of heroin. Not whining about how you've "never seen so and so piece before" or wondering "where you can get it online". "come on people" you cry...How the fuck do I know if there are "closer pictures of the necklace the model is wearing"? It looks like a fucking piece of cord anyway.

    Heed Minya, use the search function, use your brain. Sure we're here to share information and discuss fashion but you seem to be completely fucking clueless my man, and no one here has a responsibility to be your personal assistant or shopper. So be easy...

  6. England, I love me some NYC real estate so lets go:

    The rental game here can be brutal, especially if your trying to find a new place from out of town. That said, I feel like people are blowing things a bit out of proportion here. You can still rent one and two bedroom apts in safe neighborhoods for between 900 and 1300 bucks a month. I'm not saying it's easy, but with some research, effort and footwork, it can be done.

    The south Bronx is by no means one of the least desireable places to live in NYC. I lived there when i was 17. First place on my own. Then it was still pretty grimey, but now (esp. with the new yankee stadium project) more artists and Urban professionals (you) are moving up there. The apts are large and spacious in nice old pre-war buildings. All up and down the concourse from 149 to the 170's is really nice. And rushour, its literally 15-25 minutes to grandcentral.

    Astoria is amazing...I'm not gonna blow it up anymore than that. 20-45 minutes to most of manhattan and south BKlyn.

    I agree with Gnar on the heights (morningside, hamilton, and washington) again, you can find good deals here still. morningside is pricier, but a bit more convenient and safe.

    Fuck Bushwick...yeah I said it. I have nothing against it as a neighborhood, but people need to hop off it's dick. Yeah it's cheap, yeah it's great for raw spaces and young artists, but it's only convenient if by "convenient" you mean close to bedford ave and the LES. Anywhere else and your kidding yourself. Its dirty, it aint "safe", and there are people who have been living there for years who hate you. The rising tide of obnoxious kids straight out of the easts finest liberal arts and arts schools who don't understand the dynamics of a traditional neighborhood are partly to blame for this.

    Crown heights is nice...but alot better for brownstones than Apts.

    China town is grimey, and alot of people say it "smells too much" for them to live there. but it is basically the LES and can be had for a couple hundred cheaper a month.

    I could go on...but PM me if you got any specific questions.

    If you can afford it, use a broker. It is often a good way to sort through the bullshit ans find yourself a nice place that will turn out to be a better long term deal well worth the finders fee.


  7. Since this has become a Black sneakers thread more generally...I found these, and been thinking bout maybe trying to get em somehow. Don't know what it is, they're not particularly original, but the detailing looks real on point. Kind of like a gothic take on some uptowns..



  8. I'm gonna weigh in and say that I'm glad to see that someone wants to start without zoom lenses in this day and age.

    I've spent the better part of my life shooting with a 50mm on a Nikon FE, and when not using that, a 35mm on my leica M2. When I moved up to medium format, I chose the 80mm option, which is the happy medium between the two...it's 35mm equvalent is around 39...which is perfect for me.

    That said...three lenses does sound like to much to me...plus that shit is not gonna be light on the pockets. Focusing on one lense (as Carl mentioned) is the best way to begin to understand how you "see" through" your view finder, as well as how the camera itself is "seeing". Unless you shoot Politics, sports, or wildlife on the regs...You should be golden with a 50. I know some teachers who only allow students to use 50's in their photo one classes. Thats a little extreme, but I get the reasoning behind it. You can shoot landscapes that appear flat and in proper perspective, portraits, action...whatever. I would argue that someone who has mastered their 50 is more versatile than someone relying on their 28-80. 35's are great to, but their slightly askew perspective can sometimes be difficult when trying to shoot landscapes that look "true to eye".

    28's and below should be reserved (not literally, before someone jumps down my throat) for people with an advanced understanding of framing and composition, otherwise, you are merely relying on an effect you don't understand how to manipulate to your advantage. For good examples, see Eugene Richards. He is the OG of this shit and is a perfect example of using wide lenses to masterful effect. http://www.viiphoto.com/photographer.html

    As for optics...fixed lenses are better. End of story.

    As for anyone and everyone who wants to start digital. by all means do, but remember this:

    Though the learning curve may seem to be steeper with film...You will pay yourself back ten fold for your time, effort, and money spent with the understanding and know-how you gain from going this route. I could rant about how digital photography makes every cocksucker at last night's party think they are an artist, I could tell you how I think that digital photos are not "real" because they are no more than a bunch of fucking ones and zero's floating about on a piece of plastic called a CF card. I could go on a long bitter tirade about the fact that Digital technology is changing the entire process and nature of image making for the worse, because as it emphasizes speed and quantity, it creates a never ceasing pool of images from which we "cull" and "take" out pictures..instead of making them. All the savings and ease of digital will never make up for the quality of that beautiful singular image c-printed and framed under gallery lights...or as part of a 10 page spread in the NYT magazine. I could (and have) give every one an easy target at which to pitch words like elitest, old school, purest, bitter or wrong. Fuck it though...who cares. It's passion like this that keeps me doing what I do.

  9. i'm curious. how do they "refuse"? do you kinda push them down there and they squirm away?

    do you ask them if they wanna give you head?

    That's exactly what I was wondering...

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