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Posts posted by dcrevolution40

  1. ^^^

    It is a buoyant foam key chain.

    Have you ever seen the Nautica ones form back in the day, or maybe they still make em? But I remember I stole my mom's orange one off her keys when I was like 8 or 9, I loved that thing. I probably still have it somewhere!

  2. "I ran into DCrev again today. We shook hands. FIRST CONTACT."

    I thought I walked past you last week, but wasn't to sure haha. But it was cool sayin whats up and givin you a pound. I'm sure I'll see you again.

  3. "chard is on a higher level"

    you know you can't really make a comparison between the two. Both of them have extremely good styles. Chard is on some more sophisticated level shit, and termitezee is on some skated rooted style. While they might wear similar pieces, both of them have completely different looks.

    I have to reward both of them for keeping it real! Even though I am more drawn to termitezee's baggier fits.

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