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Posts posted by scientific

  1. does the shoe maker have a recommended polish? at their store or online? otherwise you should be able to pick something up at nordstrom's or a similar store. black polish so that's easy. i think standard procedure is light soap+water first then polish. (been a while since i did it so maybe wrong.) dept store will also have shoe trees for about $30 or less, get cedar ones that smell nice and absorb the moisture. make sure they are the appropriate size. if you have nice shoes this is definitely worth it, and will help them last.

  2. personally think the scarf thing is wild suspect...which i understand may be acceptable to some. but not even pharrell could pull that shit off. plus you will probably be seen - correctly - as sympathizing with palestinian terrorists, but that's another topic entirely. basically the only people who should be wearing scarfs like that are ninjas

  3. yea I saw another pic of the k coles and they were not looking as good. however i saw these ferragamos (in brown) at saks and ended up getting them. i was hoping to try something other than ferragamo for once but these ...were just awesome to behold. pic doesn't do them justice. they go great with my jeans. rubber sole too


  4. thx for the replies. those ones above are not really to my liking, plus couldn't wear them to work.

    i saw some sick ferragamos the other day that I may get. they're similar looking to the one i posted actually. they have an extra long toe though...anyone have shoes like that? worried they might crease badly or just look weird

  5. yes two of the most dreaded words of clothes hounds and dandies worldwide...business casual...can't rock jeans and sneakers...can't wear a suit...will I become a walking Dockers ad? only time can tell...

    anyway what do you think of these Kenneth Cole shoes? I wanted to get a pair of Lobbs but they are just too dressy i think. I need something for the biz casual that I can also wear out and rock with jeans and a tee, because i'm sick of sneakers.

    i was surprised to find Kenneth Cole made something that looked pretty good, since they are usually beyond crap. i usually steer clear of square toes so as to avoid looking like a late-90s douche bag but these don't look like bad offenders. i really like this dark-brown-but-verging-on-purple (if that makes sense...?) kind of leather.

    any other nominees to consider? hopefully in a similar or even better leather? also welcome any other suggestions on navigating the biz casual jungle while still looking like a suave bastard


  6. what shorts are you wearing this summer? i need something that's in between dorky white guy and hoodrat jean shorts. but show me what u got anyway ;p

  7. u must really have twig legs or something (although u say chicken legs...huh?)

    im about the same - 6'2" 180 and i struggle to find any quality jeans that fit well bc i have fairly muscular quads. i got a pair agave jeans recently that fit great (loose but neat) but it seems most high end jeans are made for anemic people

  8. ehhck movado is ultra tacky + non functional ruining supposed design

    OP are u familiar with panerai? similar style to the pic u posted. that one you posted the band is horrible on it, could be better if replaced

    i pretty much havent used watches since the advent of the cell phone tho

  9. bah previous post didnt work

    recommend me some websites for furniture. im looking for modern (fuck a antiques roadshow) top-notch stuff, not "hay guys itz a couch lol!" i want to see some stuff online and price compare but most of the websites i've found are trash

  10. sry but if you don't like Get Rich Or Die Tryin' you don't like rap! anything after that fine, but that album was classic. people who hate on 50 nowadays are the same hippie trendsters who were on his dick when that cd came out but hopped off when he got TOO popular

  11. don't improve the website

    it's already faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar better than the clothes (in fact it's too good)

    the shirts: big yawn.

  12. ok this is EASY although i'm not sure the order

    Dr Dre - Chronic 2001

    50 Cent - Get Rich or Die Tryin'

    Jay-Z - The Blueprint

    btw if your list included kanye west, it's ok to not like rap (wait actually it isn't)

  13. i hope this is a school project or something OP, "writing a business plan" w/o knowing anything about your business is foolish. u can just head over to groominglounge.com and rip off their idea, sounds like that's what you're doing anyway

    that said, i started using this new stuff called Barc recently, supposed to help razor burn/bumps/etc for "skin of color". good results so far - anyone else tried it?

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