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Posts posted by blm14

  1. 65219101513774755867601.jpg









    Just got this pair to my collections after try to find it for many years ;)22451810151377476046760.jpg

    My S5000AI-10SP

    Let me know how those work for you. I work mine for 6 months and had some very bizarre structural issues (they kept tearing in weird places) and they faded in very strange ways.

  2. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2263190/Donna-Lange-51-smothers-boyfriend-death-breasts-drunken-row-caravan.html

    A buxom 14st woman faces manslaughter charges after allegedly smothering her lover with her breasts during a drunken row inside a mobile home.

    Donna Lange, 51, from Everett, Washington, is reported to have thrown herself down on top of her boyfriend at midday on Saturday.

    Police arrived at the scene following reports of shouting coming from inside the mobile home and found Lange lying on top of her boyfriend, 51, who weighed a stone less than her.

  3. the articles you link talk about ptsd not social anxiety. assuming that the use of mdma does extend to other kinds of anxiety/depression, the mdma is taken in tandem with other forms of psychotherapy. telling the dude to pop pills in the forest with his friends is not the same thing at all

    From my own experience and the experience of others I am reasonably convinced that he could get at least some of the benefits just from being with friends, rather than a psychiatrist.

    PTSD is considered an anxiety disorder, and MDMA trials are being done on other types of anxiety disorders other than PTSD


  4. Posting scantily clad photos of my spouse on an internet forum without her permission is not a good way to maintain a healthy marriage.

    Is it really so shocking that I am married to a yoga instructor? Just go to a yoga class that has a female instructor. They all look like that.

  5. the guy has crippling social anxiety, how would mdma help in the long run?






    Shall I go on? There is ample material in the literature about MDMA's possibility to alleviate various anxiety and depression related disorders on the basis of a relatively small (say under a half dozen) number of treatments.

  6. Find the person or person(s) with whom you are most comfortable, go out into the woods with them in the early afternoon, and all of you take some MDMA. I suspect a couple of such episodes will solve your problems permanently.

  7. ^ I see those large SSD drives fail at an absolutely astonishing rate. We have a supercomputing cluster where I work (40,000 CPU cores, composed of blade-ish servers, 4U units with 8 modules, each module has dual 6-core xeons) with a ton of 256GB SSD's in it and about a third of them have failed in a year. I honestly recommend to people not to go above 128GB if you can avoid it, and ONLY keep your boot data there (I think you can set up MacOS to have a "system" partition on one drive and then basically keep all your data on magnetic).

    It's also MUCH easier to recover data from magnetic drives (traditional spinning platters) than it is to recover data from a failed SSD drive. If you keep things you care about on your SSD and it fails and you don't use some kind of backup you are fucked.

    And honestly there are some performance tweaks you can do that will give you at least SOME of the benefits of an SSD drive without actually having one. Put your swap on a thumb drive, or an SSD card, for example.

    edit: did not mean to rep myself LOL

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