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Posts posted by AznInvazn

  1. Quote: The man has the look down pat IMO. Completely the right aesthetic sense, well within the look that all of those designers are going for. As far as the Toronto scene goes, I've never seen enough people dressing that well, very few people here pull off the hipster look well or even properly.

    Hipsters don't dress like that.

  2. I don't really have anything against gays, but I was just wondering. I mean, all guys associated with fashion seem to be gay. Slimane is gay, Lagerfelds gay, Tom Ford is gay. Also, EVERY guy on Project Runway was gay!... Am I gay for watching project runway? Anyways, jw. word. ninja.


  3. Alright, this is supertrash, if you delete this thread, you're just a plain faggot. Anyways, Minya ruins this board. You can't have any type of debates whatsoever or he'll delete every post. If he sees a post that he doesn't like, he'll delete it. If you're better looking than he is, he'll delete your posts and ban you. Even if you joke around with someone, he deletes the fucking post. What kind of bullshit is that? Also, what's the point of having a wdywt thread if you're not allowed to give constructive criticism. That's the whole fucking point of those threads. It's to show people your style and they either give you compliments or tell you how to improve.

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