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Posts posted by AznInvazn

  1. Quote: Also knowning this thread has a primary male reader base, why would one post a topless picture of themselves? that could be the gayest possible thing to do?

    Also, are you that homophobic that you freak out whenever you see a topless dude? Have you ever gone to the beach or the pool before? You're probably one of those fat kids who wear tshirts while swimming.

  2. I'd rather see a thread full of topless dudes than streetstyle esque wiggers who think they're 4xl clothing is "fresh". And then when people ask you why you don't wear regular sizes shit, you make up some bullshit excuse about your body proportions when really you're just a fatass and you can't wear anything smaller or it'll show. Yeah man!! I love how my jeans drape down my leg!! it's so awesome man, I buy all my clothes at least 4 sizes up!! I love the way they fall and flow over my body, omg, omg!

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