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Posts posted by backinthetrees

  1. i have no idea what pimps look like in north america.

    in asia they look like regular dudes wearing market shirts, pants and flipflops, in japan, theyve got the full trench on and a walkie talkie.

    do the pimps look anything like snoop dogg in girls gone wild?

  2. i never have any money, im always bumming cigarettes from people, my jeans are falling apart but i dont have money to buy new ones. i dont go out unless i can ride with someone, i dont drink unless someone opens a bottle, and i never go into a club unless someone can sign me in.

    i think that sums it up nicely.

  3. hahhhhaha

    to be honest, finals are usually teh suck. but.... i think that the RSA defence was ROCK SOLID. even if england had been given THAT try, it wouldnt have made a difference.

    and i loved it when percy montgomery flew into the camera.

  4. Does anyone here design tattoos from purely conceptual ideas? If so, contact me. I need some help.

    why not just say what you're thinking of, and people can just throw in ideas to help you?

  5. fuck england

    dont be so sore.

    How the hell would it have possibly been an NZ-England final? Did you actually look at the fixtures list?

    i did.. saw wrongly, fooool.

    i like it that england really managed to keep their composure, repeatedly agitating australia into giving away penalties, etc etc.

    what a sexay world cup.

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