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Posts posted by sunny

  1. A Thousand Nations Of The Persian Empire Decend Up On You



  2. You don't necessarily have to major in accounting to become an accountant. Several universities (Laurier, Queens, Brock, and U of T) offer B-Comm degrees with the 17 specific accounting courses needed to become a CA.

    I'm still in high school, but those majors (and unis.. hehe another local!) are what I'm considering as well. I've always been interested in business, ever since I took an intro to business course in grade 9. I'm currently doing a co-op placement at an accounting firm to see if it's something I like or not. I just began a week ago, and so far I like it. I'm curious to what I'll say in June when it's over.

  3. why must i live in the suburbs?

    it takes me a good hour and 30 minutes to go to the mall.

    -bus to get to toronto


    -bus to get to the other subway line (because they aren't connected. lame.)

    -subway again

    ..thats for one way. it's a bitch.

    maybe it's a good thing though. ill save money if i shop less frequently.

    or maybe ill just have bigger shopping trips to compensate.


  4. Hey sunny,

    The more you push, the more she'll run away. You're basically in the friends zone with this girl and personally there was no relationship potential anymore because you invested too much time into her before creating any sexual attraction. I think its best to cut complete contact with this girl, since you've already start to become a little obsessive. Start dating other women. If she really wants something more, she'll come to you. The only possible way she could ever turn around is if you start dating other women and she finds out and becomes jealous and the power of the relationship shifts from the one pursued to being the pursuer. Either way there are plenty of fish in the sea. Keep your head up.

    i agree completely. focus on school and cut the girl loose ( at least for a long while). let her resume contact with you if its going to happen at all.

    Thanks for the replies guys, I really appreciate it.

    I'm not really interested in her in any sort of romantic way. After she "dumped" me we became really close friends and that's really all I'm interested in.

    She messaged me on msn yesterday apologizing for not telling me sooner and how she didn't know how I would react to it and that she wouldn't ever do that again to me. She also talked to me at school today too and seemed to be acting like her regular self. I'm going to follow your advice though.. I dont have school until Monday, and Tuesday is my first day of my placement so I'll only be at school once a week from now until June 15. If she wants to see me, that's her deal now.

  5. My friend (who I used to like, and used to like me, but nothing ever happened because she "dumped" me) got a new boyfriend today. She says I'm one of her closest friends, and she trusts me more than most of her girlfriends. Yet she did not mention one word about him to me. I saw them walking together holding hands. That's how I found out. I had never even seen them hang out or talk to eachother before today.

    I casually wrote a post on her wall on facebook and she didn't respond. I poked her. I sent her a message asking why she was ignoring me, she didn't answer. She was online the whole time too.

    We were supposed to hang out this weekend but the way things are going I doubt that'll happen. I really don't want to lose her, yet her hiding secrets from me and then full out ignoring me are not things I appreciate in a friendship.

    I've never been this hung up about a girl before, not even my ex.

    I'm also starting my co-op placement next week at an accounting firm, and my teacher told me it'll be 9-5. Which is not what he told me at the beginning of the semester (he said it'll be 9-4.) That one hour makes a huge difference to me. Either way, if I do 9-5, I'll have more hours than I need to get my credits, and I'll end up doing 40 hours of "free" work that I won't get credited for. Why do I need that shit? I'm going to tell him to switch me for less credits so I don't have to work as much, but he's a fucking stubborn teacher and I know he'll try to make me stay in the current plan.

    I just wanna get high and wasted and fuck a random slut.

    fuck this shit

  6. - movies/mall


    fcuk waterdrop tee

    club monaco zip up

    nobody jeans

    sunday - didn't actually wear this, just tried on (i have an interview this week)


    h&m shirt

    ebay tie

    h&m blazer

    h&m pants

    today -- school


    ralph lauren sweater

    zara jacket

    apc jeans

  7. oy, too much junk food today


    fried eggs with tomatoes



    some sort of pasta


    at the mall

    slice of veggie pizza from Mama's (loveeee)

    lipton citrus green tea

    after the movie (breach)

    mcdonalds fries

    tim hortons coffee

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