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Posts posted by sunny

  1. how can't he get away with wearing it in public? that is the question:

    Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

    The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

    Or to take arms against a sea of troubles

    And by opposing end them. To die: to sleep.

    hamlet is the original emo kid.

  2. i had a dream where i went to taco bell, and at the drive thru mic, i ordered a 1/2 lb beef and potato, add sour cream, cheese, jalapenos, and rice. well the total came out to $4.00 instead of the usual $2.14 IRL. i got really upset and started complaining and bargaining with them, kept on saying for $4 i couldve gotten two of them, getting really frustrated, but they kept on saying " $4, please drive up" no matter what. so im thinking "fuck it, when i get to the window itll be $2.14". when i got up to the window the electronic thing that tells you the total still said $4.00. thats when i started feeling axienty, anxiousness, and anger. the red numbers kept getting bigger and BIGGER as i drove closer to them towards the window. when i finally reached the window, the numbers were overwhelmingly big, and then i woke up.

    true story.

    i saw a commercial on tv once where this dude is at some coffee shop eating breakfast and the sign outside the window has the price for the meal, and every time he looks out the window the prices go up.

  3. lo: went to the bank and wasn't able to open an account. i showed them 3 pieces of photo ID, 3 paycheques, most recent report card from school, and my citizenship card. still need 2 documents to prove my address (including a letter from my employer), my passport, and a verbal statement from a parent that i live with them. WHAT THE FUCK.

    hi: got plane tickets in the mail today for my vacation!! so excited.

  4. i'm updating a CA manual right now! SuperBoring Summer Jobs Rule!

    HI: finding someone as bored as me

    lo: being at work

    lo: updating CA manual

    I had to the CA manual about a month ago.

    I just wish they (CICA and CGA) don't send any more updates before I leave the job.

    lo: having to re-enter 50 US tax returns. This is going to take me at least a week (I've never done it before and know jack shit about the US tax system.)

  5. +rep for high school kids making above minimum wage working in air-conditioned offices!

    lo: I've officially run out of real work to do. I spent 4 hours updating the CGA Public Practice manual (that sits in the boardroom untouched; no one's bothered to update it for 4 years.) meh.

    hi: milf co-worker wore a wa-wa-wee-wa dress today. perv-steezing!!! (shes like 2.5x my age.)

  6. COLLEGE shirts

    especially the harvard ones

    i think theyre tainting the image.. i see bros at malls in them.. doesnt harvard (and other universities) have some kinda copyright law against this shit? even juicy couture makes them..

  7. hi: finished a client's file (that i really dislike). just glad that it's over with.

    lo: boring ass day, no real work after that ^; spent most of the day on tedious stuff (labelling envelopes, filing, pre-making wraps)

    hi: since my co-worker left for vacation for two weeks, i get to use her desk (she has the most comfortable chair.)

    lo: i have to answer her calls/voice messages/emails.

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