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Posts posted by macuser3of5

  1. I'm sorry but I have to respectfully disagree (unless you' care to give me more explanation). I'm not sure exactly how the fit looks in the pic compared with real life but as for the jacket - the shoulder seams are right on where they need to be, not even 1 cm beyond my natural shoulder line. As for the pants, I need no belt or suspenders as they were tailored for my waist. The inseam may be 0.5" to 1" too long as I opted for a bit more break than conventional, they are definitely loose or wide leg but I assure you there is not like 3" of extra material hanging down at the crotch. Anyways I'm taking this too seriously so I'll stop (but saying H&M would be better is just naive).

    The jacket sleeves are a bit long, from what I can see, and I would personally bring the inseam up a bit. Other than that it looks great, not sure where that overblown criticism came from (lol h&m)

    I hesitate taking it in up at the shoulder seams as I never had it done that way and I'm unsure of how it'll turn out.

    I have had this done several times without problems and a competent tailor can do this quite readily. Somewhat spendy($50-$80) but worth the cost. Too long sleeves (I see a lot of sleeves in need of tailoring in waywt) pretty much ruin a otherwise good silhouette.

  2. this argument seems superficially attractive and logical (like many of jmatsu's posts) but is in fact quite flawed and a copout.

    jmatsu must have given your pussy quite the rash in the last thread for you to bump an aging thread with the sole purpose of calling him out with a tl;dr diatribe.

  3. ^^ What he said, food is great, well-made @ home food is even better. The only reasons to go to a restaurant are to try new food or hit up a diner and hang out; fuck chain restaurants, what a bore:

    • Denny's

    • Sherry's

    • IHOP

    • Black Angus

    • Applebee's

    • TGIFriday's

    • Chili's

    • etc

    It's all the same shitty food with a slightly different presentation; I'm not even going to mention fast food. Though in fast food's defense, at least dollar menus are cheap.

  4. As someone who has purchased a Clipse CD, and watched Family Matters as a kid, and most significantly masturbated to interracial pornography on more than one occasion, I feel very close-knit ties to the Af-Am community and its mores. My thoughts are this; if you're relaxing with your friends, say smoking weed or eating watermelons or picking cotton on the farm, I think it's OK to use the word nigga, it keeps everyone on the same page, reduces classism, etc. By comparison, if you're at school, work or in an clean well-lit urban area, I would think it rude to call someone a nigga, even jokingly. The only exception I can think of is if it's a black person, then by all means, call a nigga a nigga.

  5. Unbeknown to keagan, artificialsky and myself travel all the way from the westside to jack his iPods for crack money; it's a good racket, dude just keeps buying them. Sorry man, but those are the breaks when you live in Spokane.

    In full disclosure, neither of us are gay nor black. I am hispanic though.

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