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Posts posted by kumo

  1. have to admit, vancouver sucks for shopping.. our own cyc design doesn't have a single shop that carries them.

    main st:

    eugene choo

    3683 Main St.


    Lark 8th Avenue

    152 E 8th Ave.



    The Block

    350 W Cordova St


    richard kidd

    65 water St


  2. the canadian customs is pure idiocy, they charge 14.5% for tax and 18% for duty on all gaments imported to canada, and they charge you 5-10 dollars on top of that to charge you all the money. plus, they hold your stuff for 3 weeks to do all these.

  3. Quote:

    kumo - is that hoody from urbn outftters?

    --- Original message by pokpok on Mar 8, 2006 05:53 PM

    it's the chief hoodie by richard kidd.. someone on this board has exactly the same one.

    aitsuka - the jeans are nudie thin finns... i just got them and i have to say the crouch on these is really low...

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