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Posts posted by Edge_Of_Denim

  1. Melvins- Houdini Live

    This has pushed everything aside. This shit rocks in ways that are astonishing. This is seething, bloodthirsty music. This band Kills. They're the Deathstar of rock. Now they've been through something like 900 bassists, and each was better than the last. The new guy, Trevor Dunn, is a monster. A bass playing fiend. Where do they find these guys (and 1 girl)? And I'm just gonna come right out with it: Dale Crover, on drums, playing this kind of music, has no peer. And Buzz. What can you say about Buzz? Experimental-metal-brainiac. With some wild-ass hair. If you love these guys, you understand. If you don't, you don't.

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 30, 2006 at 03:23 PM

  2. Takashi, Blue On Greene, had several Samurai. They looked good, too. Stiff, you'll have your work cut out for you breaking 'em in. I didn't try them on because I was drooling over those Pure Blues. The Samurai's weren't as slubby as the PB's, but probably just as stiff, or nearly so. When I go back there, I'll try them on. I tried on the SC Hawaiian's, 'cause I bought a pair which History Pres. will ship to me tomorrow. And I tried on the PB's, naturally. Now this is completely subjective, as though this shit can be anything else, but, for me, it was PB at the #1 spot, followed by the SC 4040, and then the Samurai. I was not knocked by the Edo Ai's. And they only had the model with that belt-thing on the rear waist.

    My g/f said to me as I was looking shit over and lining up my finances, "Exactly how many pair of fucking selvedge jeans do you need?" I replied, "As many as the number of shoes you buy." D'Oh!

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

  3. From a Style Forum thread. Nice pics. http://www.styleforum.net/showthread.php?t=14793&page=5

    Also on that thread our very own ringring volunteered the price for the ai-001. 45000 yen. About $400. Still a better deal than over $600.

    But I still would like to find a website. Ringring? xcoldricex?

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 29, 2006 at 04:24 PM

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 29, 2006 at 04:25 PM

  4. Quote: The ones on bear's are not the ai-001's. they are the xx-003 and the denim fabric is not the same.

    xcoldricex, what would be the Japan price for ai-001? And is there a website you could point us to for a visual?

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

  5. Pure Blue is the finest denim I have ever see. You WANT to own them. I WANT to own them. The SC Okinawa's are nice as fuck but these PB's are amazing. If there is a finer denim feel out there, you guys will have to point me to them. The fabric is beyond words. You just have to feel it. The stitching. Detail. Fit. A-fucking-mazing. I could not get over it. But at over $600 I don't think I'll be making that purchase at Blue On Greene. $160 at Bears, according to my currency converter. They're mine.

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 29, 2006 at 08:33 AM

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 29, 2006 at 08:44 AM

  6. Yup, you're both right.

    You know, take the Prada store for example. I look at that stuff, I'd never wear it. 1: Because I got this thing about "Houses Of...", and supporting an empire, and 2: I would feel silly wearing that label. I couldn't pull it off. I stay away from the obviously self-conscious. I'm an understated kind of guy.

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

  7. I'm thinking, if any of you hounds want something from Blue on Greene, I'd be willing to pick it up for you and ship it out. I am not looking to make any money on the deal. Most I'd charge you would be like ten bucks, for transportation. And shipping, of course. BUT, you're going to have to contact the store and work out in advance all that sizing jazz. If there's any interest, I 'spose we could run this thing through my Payapl account, or you could send check or money order. Of course, if the shop is shipping, then you can handle it.

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 27, 2006 at 01:45 PM

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 27, 2006 at 01:52 PM

  8. Pauken, I commend you. You managed that transaction using Google Translator. G'damn, you got stones, brother. Maybe, now that I know how SC fit, and all, I guess I might take the chance (in fact, I'm thinking I could save myself a considerable amount of money going there rather than HP. Hmmm) But on a label I've only perused on the net? I don't know if I'd be so confident. It would help if someone over there had even rudimentary english.

    And, Jinx, how did you pull off your buy? Sounds like you didn't even use the translator. That's totally badass.

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 27, 2006 at 01:38 PM

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 27, 2006 at 01:38 PM

  9. Ryu, I have a denim shirt and a striped pullover, which fits so loose and is one of my favorite items. The denim shirt is so lightweight I may very well wear it into the summer. The only thing is the indigo bleeds like slaughtered pig. I've washed it about five times and that sucker's still bleeding. But it is an exceptional shirt. That, as you probably know, is the case with all of their indigo pieces. The staff is quite conscious about warning people to first wash these pieces before wearing.

    I've got a pair of brown, ultra lightweight drawstring pants. Fantastic. The fit of their clothes just kills me. And the natural fibers. Sure, this stuff is very expensive, but it can be worn for as long as the life of it permits.

    Interesting, that on each occasion I've been to the shop, it's men who are buying the most. My girlfriend thinks it is because for most American women, 45rpm may not be outwardly "feminine" enough. They perhaps find it androgynous. The women I do see making purchases are older- thirties and up- so my girlfriend may have caught what's going on there. Younger American women are, well, whatever... But, the men I've seen buying there also are older, so...

    I'm ninety-three/

    You're sixteen/

    There is nothing more for you and I

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on May 27, 2006 at 01:24 PM

  10. Hey, Ryu, since we're comparing denim, tell me your thoughts on 45rpm. I'm not rocking their jeans yet, but I do own shirts and pants. Have you seen them? Tried them on?

    WORD UP,



  11. Quote: [isn't this the 45rpm thread?]

    Yeah, but what's life without the occasional diversion?

    WORD UP,



  12. About those 811's on the Rakuten page, can anyone say if they are black or just a very deep indigo?

    WORD UP,



  13. Fuggeddaboutit, Minya, it's mine, all mine, Mwuwahahahahahaha!!icon_smile_evil.gif

    I've never got any 'tude from that dark haired woman, and the blonde has always been terribly flirtatious, even with my girlfriend accompanying me. Hmm, maybe she just wants to get her three-way freak on, who knows. For a shop like that where you would expect the help to suck goats ass, they are very friendly and helpful. Props to the guy, he loves talking denim. That's just my experience...

    WORD UP,



  14. You know what, I dropped by Jean Shop the other day to look into their belts and I saw that brown one which was photoposted a while back. The price on that belt was $150. My girlfriend who was with me at the time and who's judgement on these things I trust completely said I'd be a fucking idiot to spend that much on THAT belt, it just isn't worth it (Plus they've got their name branded on the hide. Instant dealbreaker). She said there is nothing at all wrong with that BR belt. She's right. It does have a great brass buckle and its vintage look is nicely done. Ok, so it's grown on me and I take back my earlier hate against BR.

    And my local shoe repairman did an excellent job repairing the stitching. Looks better than new.

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on Apr 7, 2006 at 02:22 PM

  15. Backinthetrees, you know what's really interesting about your post Re: Living in Singapore? With just a little tweaking the situation you describe there could also apply to life here in the US, moreso if Bush and Attorney General Gonzales were to get their way completely. And since the Democrats, who are suposed to be the opposition party in this country, are such a bunch of gutless clueless cowards, you can see how things look mighty good for Bush and his agenda.

    WORD UP,



  16. Denindestroyedmylife, you made it through Gaddis, Whew!, tip of my hat to you, my brother.

    Quote: As to clothes, for me it is a search for quality and refinement. I think society lacks quality and refinement, increasingly, like when you compare it to decades or centuries ago, there seems to be a deterioration. I don't like banal things. However, to compensate for this and not make me a snob, I like wearing what looks most minimalistic, simplistic, worn out.

    A long time ago I saw a group photograph of the original surrealists, Dali, Bunuel, Breton, man, they were all nattily,and impeccably dressed. They each had a kind of throw away style, effortless. And they were so radical in their thinking, each had his own particular genius. I was then, and remain very impressed. Then when I began to listen to jazz I would experience the same thing upon seeing how Miles did it clothes wise, and Ornett, he's still doing it, Duke Ellington, how fucking regal they were. How Jack Johnson, the champion boxer, did it. Man, these guys tolerated no bullshit, no outside interference. Clothes wise, they were fucking <u>clean</u>, and they too were radical in their relation to power and authority. They made a lasting impresssion on me. But for all the clothes and extraneous things they acquired, they never lost sense of where things properly belonged. Ok, well, Jack Johnson, some believe was undone by his love of white women, but that's too simplistic, it overlooks the state of this country at that time and how arrogantly he flaunted his desire in the face of a racist society. They were bold, progressive, arrogant, but they had massive style.

    <font face="verdana">WORD UP,


    YOU GOT TO GET IT UNDERWAY.</font id="verdana">

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 29, 2006 at 09:41 AM

  17. We should have a reading list for this board, I'd offer "Society Of The Spectacle"; "Revolution For Everyday Life"; "Pattern Recognition", and "Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance", this one I don't hold in the same esteem as I did when I was nineteen, but it does provide a good jumping off point for a discussion into the pursuit of quality, and the question of values, and a basis for further study into those complicated subjects.

    WORD UP,



  18. Exactly! We have it far to easy over here. We're too comfortable, complacent, narcotized by television and drunk on the idea of fame and money and acquisition. We have a fucking war criminal running this country, who daily lies to us, and why do we tolerate this?

    Have you seen "V For Vendetta"? Not a good film. The mask goes on and on about how ideas are dangerous, but the movie has no ideas. It has slogans. "Governments should be afraid of its people". Gee, ya' think? It is a spectacle designed to provide yet another jolt to people who sport Che Guevera t's and listen to Green Day through their ipods. As I was exiting the theater how many people did I hear say, "Maybe this will get people to wake up." Are you fucking kidding me? Wake up? We're half dead.

    <font face="verdana">WORD UP,


    YOU GOT TO GET IT UNDERWAY.</font id="verdana">

    Edited by Edge_Of_Denim on Mar 29, 2006 at 07:22 AM

  19. Great thread! Denimdestroyedmylife, citing Debord, you just kicked my ass this early morning. That book and Raoul Vaneigem's "Revolution In Everyday Life" have been at my bedside for longer than I can remember. Here's something for you http://www.akpress.org/2001/items/beneaththepavingstones

    djrajio, if the rabid consumerism of Japan depresses you so that you contemplate leaving, don't bother coming to the States. True, the Japanese are doing very well using our own model, hell, we wrote the book on that subject. But here, faced with the same epidemc, it may make you consider savage acts of random violence as an appropriate response.

    We contemplate spending exorbitant sums on reproductions of vintage denim, which leads us to fetishize the various elements of detailing therein which sets the reproduction, and us, apart. Life as simulation. Advanced capitalism makes sociopaths of us all!

    WORD UP,



  20. Damn, the sizing works, even. Did I see right, Samurai makes a 40 in. waist. Yo, what's up wit dat, they catering to the same beer drinking, WWII lovers as Sugarcane? About starch, I'm using Niagra on my Canes project. No special reason.

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