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Posts posted by suremanok

  1. "From the famed CYC design corporation and head designer Craig Atkinson come their newest venture in the form of Reigning Champ. For those who are unfamiliar with CYC, they are responsible for doing the production of fleece for some of the most sought after brands in the industry such as Supreme, Alife, aNYthing and their very own in house label Wings & Horns to name a few. They have gained noteriety and a cult following for being know to produce simply put the very best fleece in the world."

    - Slam x Hype

  2. well, if it was up to me i would be going to saigon rather than hanoi. but, my job will be taking me to hanoi. i enjoyed it last time i went. the food was great and cheap. i went to this crazy karoake country bar. there was some definate talent in there. some girl started singing "the final countdown". funny stuff.

    If I may ask, what kind of job do you have?

    Seems interesting.

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