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Posts posted by NESK

  1. club monaco still has its regular storee but the outlets were all closed. i think they were bought up by a bigger company (gap/old navy maybe) and dont want to compete with there lower end brands by selling their stuff at discounted prices. at least thats how my brother reported it to me who works with a girl who managed a club monaco outlet.

    club monaco def was the shit for basics and the outlets were key for getting that shit at $10-

    shopping in canada is pointless for americans right now because our dollars are almost even. CRAZY since just a few years ago it took $100 CDN to buy an american leaf. its the bomb going over the river to buy records now though, i get 12" for 3.99 US that are 12.99 CDN in toronto.

  2. whats up with that AK?

    im canadian so i dont know if theres some kind of toy gun fetish going on in asia or if peoples are just copping replicas to fill the void of real automatic weapons locally. so school me.

    note the self deprecation^^^^^^^

  3. dude, your pretty much the same measurements as me, just 10 lbs heavier.

    HUGE props on making a dope pair of jeans. id def get down with you next time im in the nyc vecinity.

    keep working at it, youll just get better.

    show them shits after a wash or two so we can see how they hold up.

    and for sure try out different fabric types. thatd be way cool if you could do custom pairs in differnt fits/style/fabrics.


  4. for the houndstooth one, boxfresh put out a t that has the allover print on the front but is solid on the sleeves and back. looks very similar, i tried it on in toronto on the weekend.

    i cant say id pay for any of those shirts unless the fit was something spectacular.

  5. Quote:

    mr max hit on the spot. you cannot even come back with white people being offended over a white caricature, without understanding the history of racism in the US. most people don't even know much about the history of asian americans in america. the chinese coolies who came to the US in the late 1900's came to help build the railroads, and during the gold rush. they were not given any rights, refused citizenship, and treated like utter shit. this caricature of a short, slanty eyed, yellow buck tooth person has been around for a long long time and pretty much harkens back to those racist days, just as much as someone in blackface harkens back to the early twentith century. look at jerry lewis, the chinese asian character is basically the acted version of this caricature. you CANNOT say that shit is NOT offensive.

    having grown up being called a flat face, slant eye, gook, etc...i know that racism still exists. and i think that this caricature just reinforces that, in an overt way, no matter intentions of the artist had.

    --- Original message by ddohnggo on Apr 7, 2006 10:52 AM

    ok... the artist is asian, right? are you offended when a black person uses the word nigger? im not saying that racisim doesnt exist. i know it exists, ive lived in the south all my life. it exists in more forms than just white people vs the rest of the world. and people throughout time have taken symbols of opression and made them thier own as a resistance to that opression.

    also, if you say that white people should not be as offended if they saw a demeaning portrayal of them, thenyou are just as racist as the people(an asian in this instance) who you are accusing of racisim. NO ONE should have to deal with it. it doesnt matter what whites have doen in the past, well it does, but why should I be judged and ridiculed for something someone with my skin tone and features did 50 years ago? that my friend is a racist attitude, which i find unacceptable here on a FASHION FORUM, not a political forum(right mods?)

    --- Original message by cheapmuthafukr on Apr 7, 2006 11:04 AM

    you should be judged and ridiculed for what someone with your skin tone did 50 years ago because you are hiding behind the fact that you personally never discriminated against asians, and somehow think that excuses you from your responsibility in perpetuating stereotypes by defending these shoes.

    doesnt matter that the artist is half asian. doesnt matter if its in jest or supposed to be ironic. adidas should know better than to promote racial discrimination.

    and for real, whoever argued taht white people are discriminated against just as much as asians(or any non whites), come the fuck on. whites are rarely discriminated against, even in africa (and i admit i dont know THAT MUCH about the situation), dont mistake a gorup of people retaliating against their opressors as discriination. maybe they are taking land back from whites because the populations of certain countries are dying of starvation and aids, while the white pople who colonized their are living off the fat of the land and the backs of the poor. i wouldnt call that racism, id call that the best form of justice thats available to them.

  6. where is it in ontario? i used to walk through the jewish neighborhoods in montreal and it was insane culture shock. im not sure what to call certain groups, orthodox? hasidic? i dont even know the difference but they rep some very different lifestyles right in the middle of everyone else. definately interesting to see people dressed so differently/traditionally and keeping to themselves right in the heart of a major multiculutural city. once some guy even crossed the street to get away from me, maybe i wasnt supposed to be rollin through his turf like that.

    is it like that in thornhill?

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