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Posts posted by NESK

  1. And Funk Master Flex has got to be one of the most useless DJ's on air in NYC or maybe anywhere. That he even tries to put himself in the same category as Mista Cee is a joke.

    i agree mostly. but his 60 minues tapes had alot of amazing shit and when they came out it was a great way to hear some new poeple without buying their albums blindly. of course this isnt necessary now because you can d/l and album, months before it comes out in stores, no less. but flex defiantely had his place in history and he deserves any cred he gets for just those tapes. and hes fucking hilarious in this interveiw. when he loses his shit over the accord, man i just wanted to be in the studio for that. i was laughing out loud. but yeah, as a dj today, hes not doing much. and his lugz shoes and tv appearances are disgraceful.

  2. theres no point reading two palaniuk books. unless you read one the get amnesia, then read another. they are all the same book. read one, itll blow your mind, then move onto a more diverse author.

    check these:

    fortress of solitude - jonathen letham

    cosmopolis - don delillo

    glamorama - brett easton ellis

    angry black whiteboy - adam mansbauch

  3. its quite brillint, though.

    flex and nas reminising on dance moves that kids today dont know whats up when they get referenced in their lyrics. and the honda accord shit is hilarious.

    if you cant see why thats brilliant then your missing the point.

  4. Fade: the brass rail was awesome when underage. i feel you. but now tha im growns up i cant handle the rail or any strip clubs for that matter. unless im with girls, of course. you will get treated like royalty if roll into a strib club with fine women.

    cold: if you ever in toronto and want a meal, hit me up. ill let you knwo were to go, and i might even hook you up if the timings right.

    toronto isnt the best and could definately be better, but it does have alot to offer. you just have to make the most of it.

  5. i think the city has okay nightlife. andy poolhall is good on tuesday nights for footwork, if your into hip hop. i actually jsut got in from there. sneaky dees is great but ive OD'd on the cheap food and since a few of my friends work there im kinda sick of the place form hanging there too much. ronnies is great. as for food, i think the city has alot to offer. its just hard to know where is good cause theres so many places to eat. ive worked in some great restaurants in the city and eaten at alot of good ones too. i had a birthday party at chezhoski (sp?) it wasnt as great as the last time i was there, but its pretty good. korea town trumps chinatown any day for asian food. but east chinatown got that shit on lock. hanoi 3 seasons is unstoppable. try the choca la vong.

  6. one another note, i wonder if dudes like that ever realize that their whole life is a performance. i mean, i dont really know anyone like that. but when i see uber trendy retards out i always feel kind of bad for them cause what the fuck do they do when they are alone? if theres noone around to laugh at their ellaborately construceted ironic fantasy shtick, what then? do they cut themselves? do they call their parents and ball their eyes out about not having anythign real in their life before asking them for more money so they can go thrifting? their lives are probably infinelty more sad than their attempts to be fabulous.

  7. either i'm an idiot, or i'm wasting a hell of a lot of money on college but your racial breakdown is absurd, but excuse me if i'm getting the wrong impression from this.

    i'm "black" and i'm also as thin as a nail (diminishing any "physical" characteristics/advantages you speak of) and I also attend one of the nations' top schools. I owe none of my achievements to my physical being whatsoever, so please cease with the blanket statements.

    I know and have observed boundless amounts of people who weigh out of your ingenious breakdown, and if you don't, I suggest you get out more.


    hate to break it to you, holmes. but your wrong. the great white scientists have decided that they are the perfect balance while us asians are too smart and not strong enough, while your dark bredren are too strong and dumb. thems the brakes, yo. didnt you know that really obsene generalizations is the only way to know anythign about other people/culture/ethnicities? fuck getting out more, you need to spend more time on the internet, reading more threads like this.


  8. Please, I'm all about being PC but let's not be delusional -- stereotypes are not random anomalies. Fine, what the individual stereotype says may not be exactly true but it's not like they magically appeared out of no where from a fluke incident with no relationship to to what the stereotype is commenting on. I would be very interested in reading his whole paper before dismissing it. The process of looking for meaning IN stereotype is a valid endeavor, if not the acceptance OF the actual stereotype. As my favorite tongue in cheek line from Avenue Q goes (from the song Everyone's a Little Bit Racist) "Ethnic jokes may be uncouth, but you laugh because they're based on truth" :-)

    thing is though, i completely agree with you. id go as far to say that alot of sterotypes are based in truth. however, i dont think the stereotypes he was basing his argument on were valid even as stereotypes. saying that the thug image is a representation of black stereotype is reaching. that borders on racism. if it were more specific, like say, urban black youth, then i might be able to agree a little. but throwing all black people into that pigeonhole, even though its a generalization is sloppy. the same goes for white people equating to abercrombie or asians to hype beasts. alot of asian people i know are obsessed with very different styles and would veiw streetwear as ugly, pointless and excessive but would still fall all over other useless shit like deisel, parasuco and whatever other wack shit you want to hate on. i guess theres just so much subculture going on right now that its stupid to asign a dresscode to a race when sterotyping. look at emo/mall punk. thats a significant part of youth culture that is generally white but bleeds into all races. so is skate/streetweat and hip hop clothing. i think his paper, for a number of reasons, is pointless because pop culture has blurred the lines between ethnicity and culture and become so generic that sterotyping is obsolete.

  9. I'm about to write a paper about this actually.

    In my opinion, it's a search for cultural identity in America.

    As we here at ST, we understand that Japanese are innovators of many fashion styles and trends. However, this is not apparent to the billions of people that do not see Asians as so.

    Therefore, these hypebeasts lining up at Supreme are predominantly Asian because without the shoes and hats and clothes, they would not have a unique cultural niche in society.

    Let's take white people for example. Stereotypically, we think of American Eagle or Abercrombie with flip flops or Superstars.

    Black people now. Stereotypically speaking: baggy jeans, tall tee and a fitted T with all white Air Force Ones or Jordans.

    Asian people (IN AMERICA I must add)... hmm....

    Also I think that's why Asians have adopted this "urban" style (baggy jeans, LRG, fitted hats, Jordans, SB's, etc) because even though it's sort of biting off of "black" people's style, it gives them an identity.

    The same can be said about Asians who wear all Abercrombie or AE. They dress like white people and say they are "white-washed" and therefore re-emphasizing the point that this is not their cultural style.

    Please note that I am Asian and do not mean to offend any races with this post. I have friends of all races and discuss this matter normally with them.


    i think your paper will suck. stereotypes arent proof of anything, and even your stereotypes seem contrived. if you submitted that paper to me i would give it back to you after reading the first 50 words. theres defiantely an argument to be found about asians in north america lacking cultural identity but your way off base with these assumptions that are made largely on stereotypes maybe only you beleive to be true.

  10. speaking of the azn head of hair, I've got a horrible case of that now. My hair has the tendancy to turn into a huge thick black ball of hair so i end up looking like a microphone. Neeeeeed a triiiiiiim.

    this is the phenomenon know as chi-fro. i just try not to wash mine very often and wear lots of hats. ive had very interesting results and very disaterous results. its a fun to never know if you hairs gonna look cool or stupid.

  11. i couldnt make it to del phic cause i didnt have a ride back to the city today. anyone know what if there was a sale on the julian red jeans?

    instead i went to a factory outlet mall in lewiston, NY. it was money cause i got the new ghostface for 14.98 and a bunch of other LPs. as much as i wanted to be in toronto today, the cheap prices on vinyl in the states are nothing to sneeze at.

  12. atmosphere consistently wreck stages.

    i would say the same for the roots but the last time i saw them they dissapointed LARGE. which is saying alot because the time i saw them before that i would have said they were the best thing since vagina.

    NERD is fucking incredible live as well. pharrel cant skate worth jizz, but his voice is incredible live. i didnt buy the $100 BBC shirt though, so maybe i wasnt at that show.

  13. Every DJ known to man.

    My one gripe with sandbox is they did a rerelease of Breaking Atoms on CD and it was a complete bootleg fake. I still buy from them, but ya know...


    vinyl records are called records. this makes me laugh as much as when people on this board call jeans "denims".

    "hey man, nice denims"

    "you're a fag"


    *slits wrist!

    "hey man, nice vinyls"

    me: "shut the fuck up."

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