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Posts posted by baldy

  1. Quote:

    Nudies, APCs, Levi's, etc. do not stretch more than ANY other denim. You guys are forgetting that these things are being worn for months without washing. Any jean, or any cloth for that matter is going to stretch with wear like that. It's not a "problem," its just what happens when you put extreme stress on a woven fabric.

    --- Original message by wild_whiskey on Oct 23, 2005 12:14 PM

    i think i have to disagree... cuz my apc rescues stretched out more than denim i have ever owned, and that was after only a week of wearing
  2. yea i love those, i tried those on last time, a 32 i cant even button it on my waist, and a 34 is just a bit big. but then again everything was pretty baggy, i would definately have bought it if they ran a lil slimmer. and the denim seems really thin as well..

  3. its funny cuz i just had an assignment about this...

    well from what i learned, people are starting to have many online "communities" and such like this one that its taking away from real face-to-face socialization. like before television, people would be mad cool with their neighbors n shit cuz they would hang out on their front steps, but now, i don't know who the hell my neighbors are cuz im home watching tv. and a/c contributed to this too cuz in the summer they would hibernate inside n stuff.. well anywayz they're saying that the internet is now going to isolate all of us even more, well in reality that is, and that we are going to join in online comminties more. i could elaborate more but im lazy.. hehe

  4. i think you guys are focusing too much on the denim factor. i mean, sure a girl wouldn't come here and be like, oh i wanna get a dry pair of selvage and break em in, but i just wonder why they don't come in and ask questions like "why's true religions so popular" or "what company makes really soft fitted tees?" and stuff like that you know. a lot of you guys are saying that girls don't come on here because they don't need to know the questions we ask, but im saying why don't they come here to ask other questions, more female related topics.

  5. yea these are all good pts. i was talking to my friend about salvedge denim and that its better quality and such and that she should try a pair. but i think she much prefers "what's in" cuz she has a mentality of moving with fashion trends like many other females out there. i guess they don't try to stick to their own style and keep it like guys try to. i guess girls and guys that really care about fashion have different ideas of doing so.

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