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Posts posted by KFC ONE

  1. It those are the measurements for the HP (17"w x 13"h) I'm more than happy to take it off your hands and give it a shot.

    Just let me know the total with shipping to NY, 11372 and how you prefer payment.

    Thanks for all the help.

  2. I ran across some Head Porter in HK that had stitched labels similar to the hang tags shown in those pics (the figure) and not the regular Head Porter label I was used to seeing (such as the one stitched on the bag).

    Can anyone give info on what the difference is?

  3. I hate to cross forum post but was unsure on where I would get the best response...

    I'll be headed to China on a business trip next Tuesday and was looking for any info from anyone who has been or is there.

    Flying on United into Shanghai (coach) - any good travel tips for surviving the long flight?

    I'll have a day off in Shenzhen - Anyone have info on what to do? Is Luo Hu Commercial City worth seeking out?

    Looking to pick up some Head Porter and Visvim items - Will this be tough to find? Better price than US?

    What foods are a must?

    Being a non-Asian how hard of time will I have?

    Worth it to look for a new cellphone, camera or electronics at all?

    I'll be there for 9 days but moving around a lot (see below)

    Shanghai Oct. 17-19

    Shenzhen 19-20

    Guangzhou 20-21

    Hong Kong 21-23

    Xiamen 23-26

    Shanghai 26

    ANY and ALL info on traveling, shopping and eating would be appreciated!!

  4. (MODS: Decided to repost this in Supershopper where there looks to be more traffic - please delete if necessary)

    I'll be headed to China on a business trip next Tuesday and was looking for any info from anyone who has been or is there.

    Flying on United into Shanghai (coach) - any good travel tips for surviving the long flight?

    I'll have a day off in Shenzhen - Anyone have info on what to do? Is Luo Hu Commercial City worth seeking out?

    Looking to pick up some Head Porter and Visvim items - Will this be tough to find? Better price than US?

    What foods are a must?

    Being a non-Asian how hard of time will I have?

    Worth it to look for a new cellphone, camera or electronics at all?

    I'll be there for 9 days but moving around a lot (see below)

    Shanghai Oct. 17-19

    Shenzhen 19-20

    Guangzhou 20-21

    Hong Kong 21-23

    Xiamen 23-26

    Shanghai 26

    ANY and ALL info on traveling, shopping and eating would be appreciated!!

  5. That Owen bag looks promising...the picture is so small though..

    Do most of you just use a sleeve with a laptop sized bag and not necessarily a laptop bag?

    I'm leaning more towards this route but question the practicality and protection.

    Please keep all suggestions coming....it is appreciated!!!!

  6. What up y'all

    Need a bit of help over here.

    My company recently bought me a 15" Macbook Pro and I'm now on the hunt for a bag to carry it in when needed.

    I read through other post about laptop bags but the more laptop specific bags I see the more I hate them.

    Here is my deal:

    I work from home so the bag won't be needed for everyday use at all.

    Will be used mostly for business travel or weekend getaways

    Messenger bags seem a bit to scholastic/extreme sports for me.

    The black business man briefs are also a no go.

    Some room for the usual airplane carry-on items plus usual laptop cables would be cool

    Anyone have suggestions for alternatives to the laptop bag?

    Sleeve and a some other kind of bag maybe? DJ Bag?

    Everything I've seen so far looks exactly like what I'm not looking for.

    Any suggestions are appreciated and I hope someone else out there can find this thread useful as well.

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