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Posts posted by BOORADLEY

  1. Just curious? Thanks......this confirms my wondering why there were so many bitches. LoL! NO seriously, everyone has an opinion and that is what I love. Much love booradly!

    welcome to sufu


  2. its ink, i just got out the chair, it still wasn't all cleaned off yet

    oh really? i thought you just were so hyped on your new ink you walked home shirtless and grabbed a frank on the way.

  3. that was a funny clip my friend. I'm not a sales rep and not associated with the Soviet Company. I just liked the jeans I bought! I googled the jeans and the brand has no relation to Soviet union, I thought the same thing. Too funny! ....I believe it is a South African brand. Anyhooooo, you guys are hardcore on this forum are you all gay?

    not just gay, SUPERGAY!! ;)

  4. here is my lastest, this was right after it was done, the birds and writting were already there, just the heart is new


    you got some mustard below your left nip brutha

  5. do you judge people on their avatar? i always have, and always will. like for instance, thomas highstreet has those clown shoes. therefore, i picture him as a clown. when i look at pics of cheaps fits i see an ape-like resemblance.


  6. yeah bongs are definately the best (since im not too down with vaps)... then a good glass pipe.

    i wish bongs were more portable though... my parents know i smoke weed. so really, if i just got a big ass bong and told me im saving my lungs they should let me smoke in my room. right? right?

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