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Posts posted by BOORADLEY

  1. i would tend to think that sizing down would increase the hip flaps you speak of. I could be wrong though. if it were me, and this is my own personal preference, i would keep your size and try and sling them a little lower. get some nice sag going. although, from what i can tell that isnt really your style/look. I personally dont mind how they look on you.

    my suggestions:

    1. sling em lower

    2. keep wearing and let them loosen up!

    look dope though!

  2. im at my boring summer office job...is that cool with you?

    good job on answering my questions though. what makes you think he has no life outside of this thread. please inform me?

    and not a fan of sunny d?! dont tell me you like the purple stuff...

  3. Actually no, I meant wow how old is the guy and he spends his life on forums talking about what he has or wears. Sounds like he should get on with his life and get some real life friends, but I guess he can't considering pretty much everybody on these forums are middle aged men with no life lol.

    If I thought it was because I had a civic I would have said so, seems sorta logical, that's just me though.

    straight up, your a dipshit. basically your pissed because he doesn't want to see pics of your lx with kewl neon lights. I love how you can tell someone to get a life, when you are on the exact same forum, doing the exact same thing... how the fuck do you know that he has no friends in "real life"?! please explain?

    and no, most of the people on here aren't middle aged men...

    so please, grow up, chill out, have some sunny d (since you cant buy liqs yet), and wait for your balls to drop.

    like seriously, "spends his life on the forums"... what the fuck are you even talking about!?

    oh and just how do you know everyones age again?

  4. Is life going good for you? I'm only 17, so do'nt tell me I beat you in life already lol.

    haha oh 17 year olds... beat him in life already? why? because you have a civic with christmas lights underneath. get a grip brother.

  5. 3105segway400x595.jpg

    all day

    i fucking hate those. this dad was with his daughter at blockbuster the other day and they were riding it as a duo. he kept wheeling around the isles. the sound of the little engine whirring around the store made me want to scissor kick his neck and then bicycle kick his ass out the door.

    i ended up just renting a movie and going home though...

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