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Posts posted by Tarmac

  1. Here's a pic of of 3 pairs of new APCs stacked. I have aligned the waist and stacked them on top of each other.

    top: English, 29 waist

    middle: Rescue 29 waist

    bottom: Rescue 30 waist

    As you can see the Rescue 29s are clearly longer. I might have kept them if they weren't. Instead I went with the English. The Rescue 30s were too wide at the waist.


    Here is a pic of the 2 Rescues. 29 and 30. Now, both of these are supposed to be 34 inches long?


    Edited by Tarmac on Feb 3, 2006 at 07:07 PM

  2. I have seen APC Rescues with both 34 and 36 inseams. There was no correlation to the waist size as the 29 had the longer inseam while the 30 inch waist had a 34. This is 100% fact

  3. I recently donated my pair of old navys but there was certainly nothing wrong with them. The color was good, the wear was decent. Just go and try them on, no one can argue with you if they fit right and look good.

  4. I had both models for over a week before I returned one.

    If you are a true 32, the first thing to realize is that 33 english are way too big for you. Give up on that idea.

    In my opinion (and I laid both jeans out in various sizes, side by side, etc), they are proportionally exactly the SAME cut. I do not think English are fuller cut than Rescues at all. The leg openings are exactly the same.

    There may be some slight sizing variance so that english 32s are the same as Rescue 33s, but aside from this there is no difference in cut. There are slight differences in pockets, stitching, and buttons. thats it.

    If I were you I would get Rescue 30 or 31. If you are worried about them being too tight get the 31s. They stretch a lot though.

  5. Okay no one really calls Harajuku "'Juku" but I decided to do it to stay one step ahead of that whore Guin Stepfani.

    Anyway I have seen the site posted here which shows just random pics of people in Japan and what they are wearing, I believe it is updated almost on a daily basis. Can someone post the link?

    Edited by Tarmac on Jan 5, 2006 at 03:11 PM

  6. Korea is really good for cheap clothes which you have never heard of the brand. Dongdaemun is the mecca for this type of shopping. Some are knockoffs but why would you want a Dior purse for $50.00 anyway? You can get that if you want but the real treasure is in the non-label stuff. Many of these clothes are made by local designers and textile factories. I still remember a pair of dress shoes which I really liked at doota and did not buy, I sorely regret it now. I have never seen anything similar in the states. So many clothes in DDM is limited by fact of nature (they are made in some rinky factory, once they finish this months shirts they tool up for something else) where as in Japan its limited just to be limited. In korea you really have to make your own style.

    Japan is definitely geared towards really young kids with a huge bankroll. I mean they invented the $90 printed t shirt right? I don't hate on this type of shopping, I myself bought a $200 jacket at Atmos in Harajuku, but I would definitely rather spend $200 at doota.

    Edited by Tarmac on Nov 20, 2005 at 06:37 PM

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