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Posts posted by Tarmac

  1. hmm I skimmed that thread and it didnt seem to cover any current jeans on sale.

    Right now for men they have what looks like one rinsed straight cut normal and one rinsed straight cut narrow.

    I have tried on the normal width and I found the waist to be much larger than shown size. Maybe 2 inches, ie a size 29 is 31 inches at least. And this is when new too, no stretching.

    I dont think they have any selvage right now. correct me if I am wrong.

    edit: I skimmed another thread and it said the waist fit exactly true when new, so I dont know what to make of that.

    and they have in-store free hemming. I dont believe they do any other alternation though.

  2. as far as I'm concerned, selvage in and of itself is good. You can't say selvage when only you knew=good. Its a detail that I like, same as good color, crotch rivet, hidden rivets, lined rear pockets, funny patterns on the front pocket liner, etc.

    And I have echo the statement, if they brought back selvage on $36 Sears 501s I would buy 2 pairs immediately

  3. Zathans were the only recent diesels that i liked, but I never saw them go on sale. They are also probably the only bootcut that I would still consider buying.

    Still, as a collector I can appreciate your collection, but damn you could get rid of at least 1/3 -1/2 of your diesels and I bet no one would notice. They are so similar. And for some reason I wanna slap any man who wears Rock and Republic or Citizens of Humanity. They all look like a dude who blew his first real-job paycheck on mall jeans. No offense.

    What pairs do you wear the most often?

  4. I picked up a pair of Gough today. The person at the counter gave me the 30% discount even though I didnt have a card.

    The Goughs are straight fit, medium width. I would compare them to APC Rescue in terms of cut. The pockets are strange though, if you aren't down with that then you aren't down with it. And they are definitely ODing on the selvage, but hell who sees that except for your mom. For $50 ($15 more than Sears Levis STF) I think they are a decent bargain. They are measured stupidly though, my 30x32 are at 33-34 in at the inseam. I dunno if they are predicting they will shrink 2 inches when you wash, or predicting you are a doob and wanna cuff. I would have bought 30x30, they didnt have it.

    They have morrisons at my nearest gap for full price $99, rainbow selvage and slight taper from what I could tell. They reminded me a lot of Earnest Sewn Fulton/Filson. Even down to the finish. Are they implying that they copied the Scott Morrison design?

    I dunno what the third selvage jean on the site is. I'm ordering it now with free ship and 30% discount. I can report when I receive them.

  5. Here at Self Edge we don't want to carry every brand, i want to carry what is near impossible to get, brands that are the best of the best and nothing less. Brands that have history and are here to stay for years to come.

    thats so GANGSTA. I have to cop some iron hearts just on principle.

  6. this place looks insane. Too bad I will be in NYC on the 18th. But I will definitely drop by in december as well as the January party.

    The geisha fit is so interesting. Not many girls rocking straight leg right now, somehow all these hoes went straight from ridiculous boot cuts to ridiculous tight cuts. wtf. I dont think I can convince by GF to get straight cut. I will try at APC NY though, hehe.

  7. Those fit fine, especially in length. However, I think you could go smaller in the waist without any problems, do you have any pics of jeans in that size?

    Right now the trend is in slim fitting anyway, so I think slim on the thigh is a better look. Your pics look a little "so 1998" for lack of better phrase. Still fine though.

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