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Corbin Law

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Posts posted by Corbin Law

  1. I am having the urge to go to Eastern Europe/ Russia and find the hottest girl around and bring her back all for myself. Am I insane?

    They are pretty hot you know.

    are mail order brides still in existence>?

  2. i love that ive gotten to the stage where i can sit back and knock back brews with my mom on a school night. these are the good days, the days that surely will be missed.

    i woke up late this morning:


    thought # 2. I feel great. today will be a great day.

    added some sufuers on facebook today as well. felt strange, yet eh i figured why not.

  3. is anyone else debating this same trade off?

    most of my friends are going to UT which is fucking huge. 40,000+

    badass city experience in austin, doin all kinds of wild shit

    huge classes and an indifferent administration

    full of cwgs

    id prefer to go to southwestern which is fucking small 1300+/-

    badass academic experience, small classes, concerned proffessors who will take me out to steak dinners

    just a quick drive north of UT.

  4. i am unemployed and possibly unemployable

    i have lots of split ends and breakage and secretly spend a lot of time in the bathroom plucking stray hairs off my head with a pair of Japanese tweezers that I bought at a Lawson in Shin-Okubo

    My life resembles a Murakami novel yet I am too lazy to put anything into coherent passages, although I know I could make some humorous reading

    I did a mangina so my girlfriend could take some cell phone pictures of it this morning, and she snapped 4 separate poses

    I might be a father to a half Korean half Japanese child and I'm pretty sure if that happens I will be a deadbeat father

    I got drunk on lukewarm beer the other night, drank too many too quickly because I was in the midst of drinking free beers off of Bangladeshi migrant workers and two angry Korean guys, walked home and went to bed, got rolled around a bit by the woman trying to get into bed with me, ended up having to go downstairs to puke up curry rice, but didn't have time to get my head all the way down to the toilet, tried rinsing down the bathroom with the showerhead, but ended pulling the multi-head wall shower thing off its screws, and after 5 or so incredibly drunken and failed attempts at putting it back up, I got frustrated, punched the wall, cracked the tile, and broke open my big knuckle with a 3/4" cut, leaving one side of the bathroom showered in blood and the other in curry rice puke bits, all liberally doused in water.

    how do you support yourself? financially?

  5. Dear Libby,

    I hope that you never changed your ways. I always admired your eccentricities, and pray that they never died out in california/washington. I believe that if i follow your example, and in the purest sense possible, "dont give a fuck," that our paths will once again cross.



  6. today was really fucked:

    i had to wake up early for a 10-6 rehearsal, and i was extremely hung over and sleep deprived. Strangely i find that i act better in extreme situations, idk why, but its easier to overcome my own personality and become a character under fatigue.

    somehow my director performs some witchcraft by having me run till what he thinks is the point of exhaustion and then starting my monologue. Well it worked, The scene just took off from there with crazy intensity, and then all of a sudden i went into the abbyss. This has only occured a few times in the past, but i kind surrender my sanity temporarily and for a brief period of time my character becomes reality.

    Unfortunately the part that I got sucked into was, a fiery angry one where my character is about to kill a niggah. I started hypervenelating, My body started vibrating and shaking out of control, then i lost all feeling in my limbs and i was blanketed in the most intense numbness, an overpowering numb that was more powerful than any time iver ever been high.

    sometimes crazy shit happens in sobreity.

  7. i thought id start the day off with a fresh cup of wu yi tea. hadnt tried it yet, but my mystic friends are always raving about it. so i thought id give it a go.

    i guess it did something to my stomach cause i just vomed it all back up.


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