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jjs home

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Posts posted by jjs home

  1. yeah definetly, thats knida why I've held no to my two tnoe, because its the illest snorkle TNF ever did


    I am available for employment,

    full time, part time, & consulting, depending on the numbers

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    possibly whereever you want me to work, or what gap you need filled is up for discussion, from working directly with clothes to freelance writing

    feel free to inquire about anything

    contact email: [email protected]

    Edited by jjs home on Aug 18, 2005 at 06:52 AM

  2. I still have that grey and black TNF two tone, I love it

    as far as winter jackets go there aren't many options as far as body styles go. I'm not really talking about your more generic type, it would have to be defined by its styling, branding, and materials. Anything can be new and different if its given a twist. I'm not the type to rock a poncho just cause no one else did. he snorkle is a classic style for my genre

    it would be like me saying "you want a hoodie? hoodies have beem played out for many years, every year every brand makes hoodies." I however know that you want a cashmere polo hoodie which thus seperates it from the 1000s of others

    I'd say get that hoodie, and wear it backwards with the hood up. Its the best look for a guy who looks like che guevara and tommy lee's anorexic love child.

    I kid I kid


    I am available for employment,

    full time, part time, & consulting, depending on the numbers

    I am willing to work for major companies, brands, stores, and magazines

    possibly whereever you want me to work, or what gap you need filled is up for discussion, from working directly with clothes to freelance writing

    feel free to inquire about anything

    contact email: [email protected]

  3. What types of jackets are ya'll looknig to invest in for this upcoming fall/winter?

    What types of styles, materials, and styles are interesting to you at the moment?

    for me I'm really looking for a snorkle styled jacket in a black or dark charcoal heavy wool/peacoat/goretex cashmere material with a fur hood for the really cold days

    I'm also thinking about a varsity cut leather jacket in an old air force style, with maybe a custom paint job on the back like the old school air force bombers

    nylon flight jackets in solid colors are always in style for me, but I'd love to see these in more varied materials like wool or prinited nylon blends or anything else interesting. I'm also thinking about makng a little project for myself by sewnig a buch of gothic type rock and roll patches noto a classic black nylon flight jacket as well

    as far as for the warmer fall days, I've been a track/ warm-up jacket junky and am extremely interested in Total sports exclusive jacket releases as well as mitchell and ness's track styled jackets and adidas classics who are adding sz'z 3x, 4x,5x, 3xlt, 4xlt , and 5xlt to their szing charts soon

    I'm also always a fan of furs for the winter as well

    Whats on ya'll guys minds though, I'm interested to hear what other genres are looking for for the upcoming seasons


    I am available for employment,

    full time, part time, & consulting, depending on the numbers

    I am willing to work for major companies, brands, stores, and magazines and possibly whereever you want me to is up for discussion from working directly with clothes to freelance writing

    feel free to inquire about anything

    contact email: [email protected]

    Edited by jjs home on Aug 18, 2005 at 05:22 AM

  4. yeah thanks both of ya'll, you've both been extremely helpful

    I'm hoping they do a snorkle styled jacket with a fur collar of some sort for the winter, even though I'm sure its unlikely.

    Worse to worse I cold take that style pictured to a furrier and have a fox or Cyote fur attachment made for them

    can anyone tell me anything else about that material used on the jacket, or just interesting styles to look fowadr to this year for jackets

  5. Whats the company that makes those cashmere/goretex wonter jackets?

    I've seen them before, but I can't recall the name of the brand. they come in mostly military type styles

    also links to online stores that sell their products would be greatly appreciated

  6. just for my personal clariication what exactly are the differences as you all see them

    I understand fully that straightleg means very simply a straight leg the same width all the way down, but what then is the defining detail of a boot cut?

    I clearly understand they are cut for booys, but does that mean they have a small flare, small taper, just what is the defining concept?

  7. Quote: I saw some kickass jeans a few months ago at stackhouse that were non-selvage but felt amazing. The more people hype selvage jeans, the more companies will exploit this new trend and inflate the market with bullshit "selvage" jeans.

    I also agree with the whole "don't give a fuck about the salesperson." I was down in haight st a few days ago trying on some stuff and the staff gave me negative looks after I walked out of the changing room w/ 6 things w/o buying them. Who cares about them.


    I like this guys mindset

    Quote: somebody forgot the rule of buy what you like and not what you can bandwagon on.

    this guy too

    Edited by jjs home on Aug 11, 2005 at 11:20 PM

  8. i think the trend is to try to keep the urban and metro tastes seperate

    its showing that quality is becoming more and more important to both sides, hence urban following metro as far as denim has gone. Metro however has a stigma about being associated with anything urban, so by eliminating opcket design they take a big urban desire out of their design, thus keepnig urban at a distance.

    It is very true that urban simply has a greater desire for there to be a more standout visual component to their fashions, so wild back pocket designs, ie: evisu, seven, true religion re monkey, have atracted attention

    I think this is most apparent on ST where people want to totally rip all the logos off the back pockets so nobody can know what you are wearing. I'm not a huge fan of that,but I feel I understand it, its like saying "don't worry what brand my jeans are, just look how amazing worn ni they are"

    It is also because simplicity is becoming more common place in metro

    Edited by jjs home on Aug 11, 2005 at 12:55 PM

  9. yeah thats a good answer

    I don't think we are quite on the same page. I'm basically trying to understand something I read in a blurb about the video chick Buffie the Body. She was talking about her butt, which is quite big, banging more like a mack truck to run with this threads terminology, saying she can't wear any jeans period without first taking them to a tailor to be made more ameanable to her backside. Maybe its stupid to wanna know, but a few girls I know would prolly be interested in knowing as to what they can do to have more "fashionable" jeans be more accessible to their body types.

    Edited by jjs home on Aug 11, 2005 at 12:47 PM

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