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jjs home

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Posts posted by jjs home

  1. I like richmond jeans a lot, but I can only fit their baggiest pairs

    I only like the stuff those companies make occasionally and manily their baggiest stuff


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  2. Visuri on south street


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  3. I've been cuffing just the right leg of my jeans since '96 because it was something the whole gang I was in did. Stupid o ya'll probably, but the truth


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  4. whats the baggiest cut they make


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  5. actualy i think you could get that at santanas town

    but its just some home made shit with irno on leters really

    you could seriously make your own with ease


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  6. I definetlt think this boadr did have its effect. it isn't quite direct, but if you post here and on Niketalk, you nkow that APC's went frmo here to Niketalk, and once they hit Niketalk they have become the new small hype. its like they just started to bubble there and people whio just want the coolest newest item are buying them with no knowledge of the product. knowledge isn't neccessary, but its showing that people will buy APCs just because they are newly visable, with no intention of trying to break them in, basically just to have for the name and selvedge lines

    As far as this board maknig impact, I definetly think designers, store owners, and many other peoples who voices get heard are watching this site and generating their opinions of our words. Maybe not wholly, but I definetly believe we have an effect, because where else would you go to see what the common folks real opinions are on these things


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  7. my point exactly, the hate is because people hate urban, great reason to say the brand sucks icon_smile_dissapprove.gif

    as far as the prices go, if you aren't getting them for atleast 100 bucks off the MSRP you are just shoppnig stupid. Last pair I bought retailed at 450 and I paid 300. I dno't see how thats any more or less rediculous then what most people hear are spending on their most expensive jeans, o with that being said ya'll have basically proved my point that everything negative said about red monkey is just subjective to personal tastes and general hate

    I'm interested to know what makes a selvedge ean "non-run of the mill" as well


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    Edited by jjs home on Sep 14, 2005 at 12:52 AM

  8. I've still yet to see a criticism of red monkey that has actual reasons in it

    why shouldn't he "fall" for red monkey? I'm still interested to hear that


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  9. I fail to see how anything negative said about red monkey here is realy true.

    at the end of the day what prps and RMC do are pretty much totally different. Red monkey primarily makes raw selvedge jeans with designs on the pocket. Prps makes mostly wild washed and rinsed jeans with a few selvedge pairs. The don't use pocket designs, but pocket designs don't really add or subtract from the quality of a pair of jeans. People here basically hate pocket designs and anything urban so they are going to criticize what red monkey does because it doesn't appeal to their personal tastes. These opinions are the opinions of people who want to hate evisu and scratch their gulls of the back of their pairs just because they aren't "cool" anymore. At the end of the day RMC makes a qulaity poduct, and if you aren't shopping stupid you can get prety much any pair for a price comparable to any other company diong what they do


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    feel free to inquire about anything

    contact email: [email protected]

  10. personaly I like red monkeys a whole bunch over prps

    they are baggier, and the opcket designs are hot as hell

    both are tuogh but my vote goes for the red monkeys, they are the only really "urban"selvedge jeans available in america as far as I've seen


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  11. definetly not

    I judge peoples style when I see it, and I have respect for eevry style as much as I can, even when I cant relate

    I'd probbaly have less respect for STer's style if I ever saw them, because being in the know about all things makes me hold you to a higher standard


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  12. im looking foward very much

    it will be my first time at magic and in vegas

    do magic passes get you in project or do I have to register for that sperately?


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  13. Quote: and please jjs, i don't need to be selling rock in staten island to comment on/relate to the Wu shit.

    I dunno, the whole concept of OBCL was based around dealing drugs and living that life. Which songs on the album weren't about that? Everything was related to a lifestyle that has no corelation with with the brands pushing these shirts, only idolization. I guess maybe theres nothing eevn wrong with that if you call it what it is, but Cuban Links is prolly my most supn album ever, and those topics aren't relatable to everyone, just like Jay-Z's aren't even though those in the know listen. I'd love to understand what exactly is the relationship that draws people to that shirt that isn't just "its cool to like"

    Quote: ever been to bushwick at night?


    Quote: crown heights?

    yes, and I can start throwing out black names whatever, but location ain't even really the issue I'm pushing its more lifestyle, or admitting a lack thereof

    Quote: if you had, you'd know that even the roughest neighborhoods are still that---neighborhoods.

    Yes that actually is my point, those are just neighborhoods so just being there and avioding is a whole nother thing. The Album, and others, and most of that whole movement, especially Rae's wasn't just about the neighborhood, infact it was more about the actions. He said it himself in several articles; the album was directed at hustlers, to speak to hustlers, and even packaged to be understood by hustlers (purple top package etc. And that is my exact-point, the "I was there, I went to a Wu concert" Arguement isn't really validation, atleasy according to the words rae has spoke. So I dunno whats different now?

    Quote: you have to be aware of your surroundings and make good judgments. no more, no less. i grew up right here, and i have partied in/lived in/went to school in some pretty bad places. you can bet the people who've lived in those neighborhoods all these years can relate to a life unlike their own, as can i. you just need to have an open mind.

    Honestly sure, whatever, thats great, if thats how you feel, I don't even feel like saying "no thats not true, becase I don't know you", all I can say is that I'd put more weight on the opinion a person in that life, or doing time for that life, or dead of that life to say who can and can't relate. I won't refute your claim, all I know is that just being smoewhere doesn't make you understand something, because in everyhood US everyone doesn't just get THAT knowledge or understanding just from being a few blocks down or having a CD, because the topics are just environment they are actions and realities, impulses and regrets, and so on. All I know is those who I know who do know definetly don't give that credit to those who were just "around", but again I'm not in a lpace to judge you personaly, but what I definetly can say is that a small t-shirt, targeted at hipsters, is definetly clicking a lot more sales outside "the know" then inside it, because to many its just an attempt at validation

    Quote: what, i have to pack gats and roll with mobb deep in order to understand ebonics, graffiti, hiphop culture, lyrics etc. etc.?

    depends what you mean by understand, just understand the concepts no, but understand the realities yes. I never tagged enough in my life to say that i could relate to what its like to sneak through a live train tunnel and bomb an out of service sub car wuoldn't be true. I dunno what its like to hang off the side of a building on a pulley to do a crazy through up. I can't front like I nkow how the paint smells, or what the cold wind blowing feels like, what what the fear of being ran up on by a cop while hanging upside down is like, so when people are sitting there explaining their story or repr

  14. ha

    thats just a standadr military bomber jacket

    avirex makes them for sure, and in hat color, with the fur collar. theres several people selling the avirex models on ebay right now

    I dunno what else you'd wanna know about them, a lot of companies do make that style which is called G-1, all you really need to figure out what type of leather (goatskin, calfskin, lambskin, cowhide & whatever else you can find) then I guess what color you want, and finally if you wanna pay a crazy preium for say an authentic from a war, or an army issue, or a stylized repro so what, But ebay should show you many many brands and options


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  15. I definetly think quite a few people here are sheep

    just the way certain people here reacted to bathing apes popularity growth showed how sheepish they were. How do you go from proclaiming your love for a brand 3 months ago, then saying it fell off 3 months later. Thats the sheep mentality, because if you really liked it in the first place it wouldn't have fallen in to the pit of despair in 3 months. Benig a sheep isn't just following the masses, you could be sheepnig along behind innovators trying to be the first guy to say they hopped on the next bandwagon, I'd just call those people fast sheep

    I feel a few people nailed it exactly, and the most truthful statement as I read, was that the true innovators have a style which is their own, and they aren't wholy changed by the effects of the next trend.

    maybe I'll share more later


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  16. I'm interested to know what brands of cashmere hoodies ya'll are checkin


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  17. they just showcased APC's on a good morning America or show of that nature that had a denim segment this morning


    I am available for employment,

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  18. a>

    Snorkle jacket


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  19. my hispter sz would prolly be an xl maybe. I'm about 190 lbs which is knida nuts for my size considering im not crazy obese, allthough in bizaro hipster world I might be lookin tubby in some stuff. me in a smedium shirt might cause flagrant gut shownig penelties

    I coul never even imagine doing it

    I was looking at the Military coay thread thinking "wow I don't even wear thermals that tight" Like I think I'd have trouble moving my arms in a jacket like that. its made me understand why ya'll work hard to break stuff in, cause I'd be lookin like tommy boy in that jacket, when chris farley was wearin david dpades sports coat


    I am available for employment,

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    contact email: [email protected]

    Edited by jjs home on Aug 18, 2005 at 07:23 PM

  20. this is pretty dope to me, just not my size

    [url=" http://www.oki-ni.com/okini.storefront/43053cb6000bb892273fd43a3bc30651/Product/View/GM017A_002_M"] <a href="http://www.oki-ni.com/okini.storefront/43053cb6000bb892273fd43a3bc30651/Product/View/GM017A_002_M" target="_blank">http://www.oki-ni.com/okini.storefront/43053cb6000bb892273fd43a3bc30651/Product/View/GM017A_002_M</a>


    I am available for employment,

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  21. icon_smile_cool.gif

    and black is the old black

    I liked the sound of that


    I am available for employment,

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    Edited by jjs home on Aug 18, 2005 at 10:19 AM


    AND TIMBS!!!!


    I am available for employment,

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  23. sounds cool, hope you're enjoying your stay


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  24. ^ yeah, your description gave me some inspiration and influence in thinking about them

    Made it to/through Columbia yet?


    I am available for employment,

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  25. esther baxter


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